10 Cool Office Desk Gadgets

Spruce up your desk and let people know that you appreciate cool stuff. You can show off your technological appreciation while keeping plenty of things around that will entertain you, your coworkers, and your visitors during the times of day when a little “pick me up” is in order. Here, 10 cool office desk gadgets … Read more →

iPhone 4 Commercial Parody [Fun Video]

There are more Apple parody videos on the net that you could probably ever count and this is one of the better, and newer, I think. This one is based on the iPhone 4 video where some high-standing Apple employees are talking about how great the iPhone 4 is. This one, however, also includes the … Read more →

iPhone 4 & Droid Incredible – Robotic Disassembly by TechRestore

Remember the iPad disassembly video by TechRestore? That was really cool. Now TechRestore did it again with the iPhone 4 (and the Droid, but that’s an older video). I don’t know why, there’s just something really cool about these videoes – it’s probably the robotic sounds and movements and the fact that you get to … Read more →

[Video] iPad + Velcro = Love

Here’s a video of a guy who really likes to have his iPad hanging around. And what’s the easiest way to do that? Velcro, of course! Stick some velcro on the back of iPad and the other part of velcro on whatever surface you want the iPad to stick to – and it will stick … Read more →

Google Street View – More Funny Pictures (Part 1 of 2)

My post from a month ago, Funny Pictures: Google Street View Launched in Denmark, keeps topping the “popular posts”-chart here on the blog. I guess people like to look at funny Google Street View pictures, and that’s understandable, because there are some very funny and whacky moments out there 🙂 I’ve been gathering some more … Read more →

Funny Pictures: Google Street View Launched In Denmark

Google Street View was launched in Denmark last week, where more than 32,000 kilometers (20,000 miles) worth of streets have been photographed. The Danish people has been busy finding funny situations the following few days and submitting them to online newspapers within Denmark and the results are in: Lots of funny pictures from Google Street … Read more →