Fixing Lens Creep on Nikon 24-120mm f4 and 18-200mm VR lenses

What’s lens creep? Well, lens creep is basically what happens when your zoom lens is quite front-heavy so if you hold it down it might creep out (zoom) by itself, or if it’s already zoomed out and you hold it up, it might creep back down again. If your lens is creeping in or out … Read more →

New eBook available: The Power of B&W in Adobe Lightroom & Beyond (A Masterclass)

The Power of Black & White in Adobe Lightroom & Beyond (A Masterclass) by Piet Van den Eynde is an exceptional course on creating black and white photographs in Adobe Lightroom. For the emerging photographer, digital black and white seems like it’s simply a mouse-click away but the process to create exceptional monochrome images requires … Read more →

Easy Ways to Get Stunning Photographs from Your Point-and-Shoot

Maybe a DSLR camera is out of your price range, or maybe you are too intimidated by the myriad of knobs, buttons, and lenses that come with shooting with such a camera. Or then again, maybe you simply do not want to lug your prized camera to your son’s muddy soccer game, but still want … Read more →

“The Evocative Image” – A Photographer’s Guide to Capturing Mood

A new ebook has just been released by Craft & Vision, titled The Evocative Image, written by Andrew S. Gibson. The Evocative Image is an inspiring introduction to the processes and techniques specific to making photographs that express what we feel. With great examples, creative exercises, and insightful comments Gibson offers up his unique perspective … Read more →

My Top 5 Favorite Photography Podcasts (audio/video) – recommended!

I assume you’re reading this article because you already know what podcasts are. In case you don’t, here’s a really quick introduction to podcasts, courtesy of Wikipedia: A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. The word … Read more →

Photo of the week: Happy Valentines Day

I don’t “celebrate” Valentines Day at all. I don’t see the point of giving flowers on a day where it’s expected. I much rather give flowers unexpected and bring real happiness out, rather than pleasing an expectation. But that doesn’t mean I can’t photograph Valentines-related stuff, such as these balloons which I caught on the … Read more →

New eBook from Craft & Vision: Winter in the Canadian Rockies by Darwin Wigget

Winter in the Canadian Rockies by Darwin Wiggett is the newest ebook to be added to the Craft & Vision library and the latest in The Print & The Process Series. Darwin captures the spirit of Canada’s most striking mountain range in this monograph of breath-taking landscapes. Photographers of all levels, and geographic persuasion, will … Read more →

Facebook sets a new Photo upload record

Randi Zuckerberg (Mark’s sister) who leads Facebook’s consumer marketing team, wrote in a tweet that 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook during the New Years Eve weekend. The previous record was during Halloween 2010. In July 2010, Facebook said more than 100 million photos are uploaded to their site – each day! It’s unknown … Read more →

Photography: What’s drawing the eye (visual mass)?

If you like taking pictures, then you’d probably prefer taking pictures that people like to look at as well. Sometimes we get lucky and capture a great shot, but often it takes a little bit of thought or planning to get it just right. Remember, don’t just take pictures – make them! One thing you, … Read more →