Out with the Old, in with the New

We all love our tech. Those amazing little devices that can do so much in such a short space of time despite looking paper thin and small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Then that moment arrives that the next model or an upgrade is released into the public domain and you … Read more →

Tweet More than 140 chars: Tall Tweets

So today and from now we live in a modern era, where being socially active has a lot of role to play in your business, especially if you work online. So you fellows might be knowing, that Twitter is the most powerful social tool now at the moment for making things work and really advertising … Read more →

Important Content Strategy Tips for beginners

Content Strategy is a comparatively new phenomenon. It is closely related to content marketing, SEO, web development and the likes. Content strategy has 2 very basic objectives. The first objective ensures that the expectations of the users are given maximum importance while the second objective ensures that the business goals are not ignored in an … Read more →

Is It Your Hard Drive Slowing Down The Computer Or Something Else? 

It is a common scenario that every person owing a computer experiences at one point of time- complaining about the sluggish performance of the computer. The computer has got a lot of stuff like pictures, movies, music, eBooks, apps, software programs etc. It also slows down because the computer is busy picking spyware, Internet browser … Read more →

How Online Payments are Transforming Small Business

In 2002, PayPal changed the small business landscape by allowing small businesses to make online transactions independent of markets like eBay and Amazon; but until recently, their near-monopoly kept service expensive and buggy. With half a dozen challengers finally breaking out in the last few years, small businesses have seen online payments get cheaper, more … Read more →

Manage Mac Optimization Tasks with Single utility

Just because we manually make some alterations in our Mac system as a set of optimization activities, it does not mean the Mac machine is immune to slowdown and won’t be needing any deeper cleanup. We do only the alterations for which we have been assigned privileges; therefore, Mac OS X requires such cleanups frequently. … Read more →

Netiquette and dealing with rude e-mails

In this age of instant and often anonymous online communication, it sometimes seems as if politeness has become a casualty—either because we have become so overwhelmed by multi-tasking that “please” and “thank you” have slipped from our online vocabulary or because many feel it is their right (if not their duty) to criticize others in … Read more →

HTC One Review

The year 2012 was very disappointing for HTC. They were easily thwarted by their competitors and thus had a poor earning statement to show the world. This was the same time when Peter Chou, the CEO of HTC, decided to up their ante and get down to creating a device that will be high on … Read more →

What to Expect from Mozilla Firefox for Smartphones

Many mobile users know that Operating System market leaders, Android and iOS, hold a very large lead over any competitors. However, Mozilla CEO Gary Kovacs has revealed a plan to release a line of smartphones that will run on the Firefox Operating System. These smartphones are scheduled to be released in South American and European … Read more →