September 2009: Blog Summary & Income Report (My Third Month Of Blogging)

I’m three months into my “blogging life” and my 3rd month has been my best month so far, when looking at visits and pageviews. I’ve also decided to start a new blog, which I call ApplePatio. Yes, you guessed it, it’s about Apple and it’s still within my ‘Patio theme (branding FTW, right?). Read more … Read more →

Top 5 Ways To Make Money On The Internet

If you’ve been reading TechPatio for a while then you probably know that I like the “Top 5’s” from HowStuffWorks, the latest one is a top 5 on ways to make money on the Internet. In this post I’d just like to mention the 5 ways HowStuffWorks claims are the “top 5” ways to make … Read more →

iContact With New Features – My Favorite E-mail Marketing Provider

iContact, my all-time favourite when it comes to e-mail marketing and autoresponders both professionally and personally, just upgraded their application with some new features. Here’s a quick run-down of the new features just added: Spell Check Now the message editor has the ability to recognize misspelled words, highlight them, and provide suggested options for correcting … Read more →

How To: More Targeted AdSense Ads & Thesis Code Example

If you have watched the Matt Cutts video from WordCamp San Francisco 2009 you probably noticed his mentioning of the two following HTML codes: [html] <!–google_ad_section_start–> <!–google_ad_section_end–> [/html] Most people don’t know about those two tags and so they don’t use them. Using them lets you define what part of your website (or blog) should … Read more →

Matt Cutts: “Google Crawls According To PageRank”. A Must See Video For Bloggers

Matt Cutts is often looked at as the “face of Google” among bloggers and search engine optimization people. Matt often posts information, tips, videos etc. with information about Google and other related stuff that can help bloggers and webmasters optimize their site for better ranking and readership. He joined Google as a software engineer in … Read more →

August 2009: Blog Summary & Income Report (My Second Month Of Blogging)

It’s that time of the month again…. No, not that time, what’s the matter with you? The time I’m obviously talking about, is the time where it’s time to look into the month of August 2009 and report back to my readers how the month has been for, related to visits and income. So … Read more →

I Luv’ CommentLuv – do you have it on your WordPress blog yet?

Are you a blogger? No! Then go become a blogger and return to this post once you get a blog going. Your future readers and blog commentators will love you for it! Yes! Great, are you using WordPress as your blogging platform then? No! Hmm, okay, I hope you’re happy with your current platform. If … Read more →

3 Article Headline Techniques That Will Bring A Flood Of Traffic To Your Site

Article marketing can be a great way to drive traffic to your site. One of the best article directories, EzineArticles, get hundreds of thousands of visitors a day. EzineArticles allows you to submit your articles to their directory, for free! But getting the EzineArticle users to take a look at your article is a completely … Read more →

Interview With World Famous Problogger Darren Rowse (video)

Gideon Shalwick from the Become A Blogger program, at which I’m a premium member, had the honors of making a video interview with one of the most famous bloggers in the world – Darren Rowse from Problogger. In this 30 minutes video interview, Darren Rowse spills the beans on some very interesting subjects about blogging, … Read more →

Internet Web Site Marketing And SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a highly specialized skill that goes far beyond good content and HTML skills. Page structure, incoming links, style, title tags and many other things come into play to get a website to the top of the search engines for your keywords. Search Engine Optimization is crucial to your success online. Search engine optimization is a popular type of online marketing. The term SEO refers to utilizing content to increase search engine results and thus traffic. An internet web site marketing campaign can become quickly overwhelming of not done right. Search engines are the way most people find a web site. Being well-placed in the search results can make a tremendous difference in the number of visitors you get.

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Attaining Higher SEO Ranking

The seo ranking service support has it hypnotic tactics that can create a good or better ranking for your website and directs bring more traffic to your zone. Search Engine Optimization ranking is of vital importance to your business on the web. With the application of the SEO system your site will be able to find a prominent spot in relation to your position in the search engines results pages.

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The Bing- Yahoo Partnership: Good News or Bad?

Microsoft and Yahoo finally signed an agreement to join forces. There was not a buyout or a merger, as some analysts thought there would be: that may come later. But, the current contract between the two corporate giants, if not blocked by the Justice Department, has big implications for search engine optimization companies and everyone with a website. Here are a few of them.

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