5 Walking Tour Apps for Active US Travelers

Active holidays have become a hot trend as people trade their hectic routines for healthy adventures. More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of physical activities, such as hiking, that engage the entire body while giving them a chance to see new sights and enjoy the freedom of the outdoors. You can … Read more →

5 Apps That Will Help You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

Being a part of the modern world requires you to interact with technology. If you are like most Americans and Europeans, you probably have concerns about how your technology usage impacts the planet. While many advances seem to be detrimental, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes technology really can help us live better, and it’s … Read more →

Smart Homes destroying the Burglary Industry

Your common break and enter burglar is slowly becoming extinct due to the advent of smart home security devices. According to a study by market research company Park Associates, 50% of North American households will have a smart home device by 2020, with home security devices being the highest priority amongst consumers. The FBI reported … Read more →

Top 8 Smartphone Apps for Drivers

These days, smartphones play a huge part in our everyday lives. They keep us connected, in the loop with social media, entertained, and more. However, perhaps one of the biggest uses to get out of your smartphone is when you are behind the wheel. This is because there are a number of great apps available … Read more →

7 Best Educational Apps in 2016

Welcome to college.  You have your books, you have your courses, and you probably have some sort of budget.  The great news though is that there’s a whole bunch of apps that can not only serve as study tools, but can also help you organize your notes, finish up a project before the deadline, or … Read more →

Shopping made easy using the virtual reality technology

Australia’s largest retailer and marketer Myer have joined partnership with the online marketplace, eBay in introducing the virtual reality concept in the fashion industry. Virtual reality – simulation of 3D environment The concept of virtual reality is the a part of the computer technology that makes use of the software to generate the realistic sounds, … Read more →

A Beginner’s Guide to Not-Coms

New generic top level domains, commonly called gTLDs or not-coms, are the latest sensation in domain name registration. Gone are the days when all websites ended in .com, .org, .net or only a handful of other possibilities. Now, you can register sites with domain extensions such as .play, .go or .live. In fact, the Internet … Read more →

5 Must-Have Travel Apps for Flashpackers

As a flashpacker, you probably like your great outdoors adventures to come with that little extra bit of flair or style. Luxury is also a bonus if you can get it. To get the very best of every location you travel to, you can download numerous apps that can help you travel in style and encounter … Read more →

Why Travel Nomads are the Force of the Future

From the earliest hours of the mankind, people traveled the world in order to find better living conditions. Today, however, this idea was further enhanced by the ideas of open market, open borders and the internet. In light of these facts, it would be irresponsible not to raise following questions – what does the phrase … Read more →