I Luv’ CommentLuv – do you have it on your WordPress blog yet?

Are you a blogger? No! Then go become a blogger and return to this post once you get a blog going. Your future readers and blog commentators will love you for it! Yes! Great, are you using WordPress as your blogging platform then? No! Hmm, okay, I hope you’re happy with your current platform. If … Read more →

Funny Commercials – Images

I’m sure you have seen one or two of those images already, but I received those in my e-mail and found most of them so funny that I just had to share them with you all… I don’t know if they are photoshopped by some creative people or if they are actual commercials from the … Read more →

Apple Builds Giant Data Center In North Carolina – But For What?

Earlier this month Google CEO Erik Schmidt parted with the Apple board of directors because Apple and Google are closing in on each others core businesses. Most people will probably say that Google is closing in on Apple, with the launch of Android, Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS and so on, which was also said … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: HotForWords @ Yoga Time!

Today I’d like to introduce you to 28 year old Marina Orlova – also known as HotForWords.

Marina is one of those YouTube people with hundreds of videos and more than 250,000 YouTube subscribers. Not bad. Besides being a YouTube celebrity, she’s also a philologist (one who studies linguistics and etymology) and that’s pretty much what most of her videos are about – she investigates words and phrases and teaches her audience about them.

But that’s not all.

In this video, she not only teaches us about the expression “fight or flight”, she also teaches us about how the adrenalin released by the brain can turn into stress and anxiety, and gives an example on how one can “turn off” the brain and relax.

I decided early this week that I wanted to feature a HotForWords video this Friday, only problem was, I didn’t know which one. With almost 500 videos it would take me a day to watch them all – so I decided to go with the highest rated video she ever made, Yoga Time!

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More Than Half Of The Microsoft Xbox 360 Breaks

Microsoft Xbox 360Xbox 360 is a bittersweet success for Microsoft. Although the machine is the second most selling and so far keeps up with the very hyped Playstation 3, the cost has been high. First there was the Red Ring Of Death (RROD) issue, when a hardware failure meant that virtually all of the Xbox’ had to be replaced. In light of this, Microsoft extended warranty to three years.

But the errors didn’t stop there. A software update in the spring meant multiple machines went bust, again.

Now the magazine Game Informer investigated how widespread the problem really is. They sent questionnaires to 5,000 readers, and the results doesn’t look too good for Microsoft. 54.2 percent of Xbox 360 consoles break. By comparison, only 10 percent Playstation 3 and Wii 6.8 percent breaks.

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TechPatio Is A “Do Follow” Blog – Spreading The Link Love For Free

In case you didn’t know, TechPatio has alwas been a do follow blog. Meaning, if you post a comment on techpatio.com and include the link to your website/blog, you will receive some of the so called “link love” or “link juice”. Often nowadays, blogs are no follow blogs so if you post your link there, … Read more →

Simple & Easy DIY iPhone Dock For Free

diy_iphone_dock1This is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that!?”…

A really simple made Do It Yourself iPhone dock, made out of the box it came in and using the dock plate and USB sync cable that also came with the iPhone.

All you need is basically some glue and cutting a hole in the iPhone box and you have your very own home-made iPhone dock without paying Apple $49 for it.

“Seeing as the iPhone already comes with a dock plate, it was just a simple matter of gluing the dock cable to the plate and mounting it onto a box.” – Vince wrote in his caption.

[via: iPhone Savior]

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Q2 Plasma HDTV Sales Increased – LCD 40″+ Sales Flat

vizio-truled-vf551xvt-415As the LCD technology evolved, more and more was convinced that the days of plasma TV’s were over, and several manufacturers have even  opted to completely abandon the production of plasma displays.

New figures from the U.S. for the second quarter of this year shows that plasma technology is far from dead. Compared with the quarter before, there has been an increase of 31% in the number of units sold and an increase of 35% in turnover.

During the same period, the LCD television didn’t do quite as well, here the curve has been flat for the number of TV sales, while turnover fell 7%.

One of the reasons for the huge success of plasma technology is the new 2010 models from Panasonic, Samsung and LG, which breaks with the large energy consumption, plasma screens are known to have. The new models have had the energy cut down so much that it actually matches the LCD technology.

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3 Article Headline Techniques That Will Bring A Flood Of Traffic To Your Site

Article marketing can be a great way to drive traffic to your site. One of the best article directories, EzineArticles, get hundreds of thousands of visitors a day. EzineArticles allows you to submit your articles to their directory, for free! But getting the EzineArticle users to take a look at your article is a completely … Read more →

Most Popular Camera On Flickr: iPhone

Flickr logoThe vast majority of phones sold today comes with a built-in camera, but common to them all is that the quality is not yet near as good as what you’ll find in most pocket cameras. But one camera phone has done really well on the photo service Flickr, and that’s the Apple iPhone.
Flickr keeps statistics about the cameras used to upload pictures to their service and among mobile phones, the iPhone is far ahead, but now it has also taken first place among all cameras.

Until now it has been the Canon EOS 400D (XTi) which had the first place, but no more.

Observers don’t think that this means a lower quality of images, but more the fact that it’s much easier to put up pictures on Flickr via the iPhone.

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Facebook – Friend Or Foe ?

A few days ago, I wrote an article that was republished a number of times around the internet. In it I detailed a little bit of the angst being felt by people who had been banned or suspended while diddling around in the social network – Facebook.

Go ahead, say it – so what ? Granted that being suspended from facebook pales next to world hunger and global melting or is that global warming. But, if you were the cherished one expected to invite 600 wedding guests to your mother-in-laws anniversary and suddenly you got suspended after sending out only 20 invites, well you know then that being banned at such an auspicious time is going to look a little suspicious, right?

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Facebook and FriendFeed Combine Power

Well, I’m certain that you’ve heard the news now that FriendFeed has been purchased by Facebook. This is working to put Facebook on the mapping for real-time search queries just like on Twitter. It sure does look like that Facebook is going after Twitter, hard-core.

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