Movie Review: Seven Pounds (2008) – Will Smith, Rosario Dawson

Seven Pounds, Will SmithPlot: An IRS agent with a fateful secret embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers.

I’m gonna let the cat out of the bag on this right now; this movie is fantastic and I strongly recommend you watch it, unless you’re only into action movies and such.

Seven Pounds is a movie up along side, or even better, than Pass It On (Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt) and almost – in my eyes and in this genre of movies – as good as The Shawshank Redemption (number #1 on the Top 250 IMDb list of all time).

Seven Pounds really touched me like only very few other movies ever did, including the two above mentioned movies.

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Friday Flick Find: David After Dentist

Todays Friday Flick Find video is “David After Dentist”. It features a 7 year old kid who had a tooth removed at the dentist. It’s quite funny and at the same time I can’t help feeling a bit sorry for the kid, but apparently he was fine after just a few hours and later that … Read more →

Interview With World Famous Problogger Darren Rowse (video)

Gideon Shalwick from the Become A Blogger program, at which I’m a premium member, had the honors of making a video interview with one of the most famous bloggers in the world – Darren Rowse from Problogger. In this 30 minutes video interview, Darren Rowse spills the beans on some very interesting subjects about blogging, … Read more →

Self Pity – Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself!

I found this video on human mindset by Karl Moore as part of the 30 Day Challenge to be very interesting and true indeed – I already knew about the principles explained in the video, but lots of people don’t – and even if they do – it’s good to have it refreshed in your memory, every now and then.

In this video Karl is talking about how to overcome self pity. I won’t give out all the details here, you would have no reason for watching the video then 🙂

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23 Badly Placed Internet Ads

Most times banner ads are clever enough to display ads relevant to the page you’re reading right now – like if you scroll to the bottom of this post and look for the Google AdSense banner, it will most likely advertise for something related to this post (I wonder what that might be).

But at other times, the banner networks really screw up!! collected 23 Badly Placed Internet Ads that probably never should have been showed…

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Internet Web Site Marketing And SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a highly specialized skill that goes far beyond good content and HTML skills. Page structure, incoming links, style, title tags and many other things come into play to get a website to the top of the search engines for your keywords. Search Engine Optimization is crucial to your success online. Search engine optimization is a popular type of online marketing. The term SEO refers to utilizing content to increase search engine results and thus traffic. An internet web site marketing campaign can become quickly overwhelming of not done right. Search engines are the way most people find a web site. Being well-placed in the search results can make a tremendous difference in the number of visitors you get.

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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard goes “Golden Master” at build 10A432

Latest rumors has it that the Apple developers are now finished with Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” and build 10A432 goes “Golden Master”, which means it’s ready for production. Snow Leopard is scheduled to be released in September and will only work on Intel Macs. At an upgrade cost of just $29, I sure … Read more →

Movie Review: Fanboys (2008) – Kristen Bell, William Shatner, Seth Rogen

Plot: Star Wars fans travel to Skywalker Ranch to steal an early copy of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999). Before you read any further, please make sure that you can answer the following 3 questions: Who tracks down Han Solo and takes him to Jabba The Hutt in Star Wars Episode … Read more →

Nokia 6301 iSync Plugin (6300 iSync)

Nokia 6300/6301 is not supported by Apple’s iSync per default, so in order to get 6301 iSync compatibility you will need to install a custom iSync plugin. This 6301 iSync plugin allows you to synchronize using bluetooth. It will synchronize data from your Address Book such as name, addresses, etc. as well as data from … Read more →

Sony Ericsson W350 iSync Plugin

Sony Ericsson W350 is not supported by Apple’s iSync per default, so in order to get W350 iSync compatibility you will need to install a third party plugin. So far the only suitable plugin I’ve found is the one from Feisar which you can purchase for $3, click here. This W350 iSync plugin allows you … Read more →

What Secret Game Are Apple And Google Playing?

Eric Schmidt, Google U.S. Federal Trade Commission has already started to look at the complex relationship of Apple and Google.

Last week Google chief Eric E. Schmidt left Apple’s board of directors as both parties agreed that they actually compete in the mobile business with Android and iPhone. Yet, there is much talk in the corners and some people believe that Google deliberately failed to build multi-touch in Android at the request of Apple.

Now it also emerged that the two companies have an agreement not to recruit from each other’s employees, according to TechCrunch, who is in possession of an e-mail from Google.

Apple and Google remains tied together pretty well and part of Google’s technology is already built directly into Apple units, including extensive support for YouTube in everything from Apple TV to the iPhone.

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Thunderfly Bug Exploring The Inside Of My LCD Monitor

While watching the Fun Friday & Income Report Breakdown by Deneil Merritt, I noticed a thunderfly (thrips) bug starting to wander around on the inside of my Samsung LCD monitor. I don’t know what it did, maybe it was trying to rate Deneil’s video or looking for the “Digg!”-button. Or maybe it was trying to … Read more →

Nokia 5800 iSync Plugin

Nokia 5800 is not supported by Apple’s iSync per default, so in order to get 5800 iSync compatibility you will need to install a third party plugin. So far the only suitable plugin I’ve found is one supplied from Nokia themselves, so it should be working quite well. Download it here: Nokia 5800 iSync. This … Read more →