Attaining Higher SEO Ranking

The seo ranking service support has it hypnotic tactics that can create a good or better ranking for your website and directs bring more traffic to your zone. Search Engine Optimization ranking is of vital importance to your business on the web. With the application of the SEO system your site will be able to find a prominent spot in relation to your position in the search engines results pages.

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Kinesis K3 Solar/Wind Power Portable Charger

Don’t you just hate being stuck out in the woods without any power and your iPhone is about to run empty? Get yourself a K3 from Kinesis Industries! This gadget can charge your cell phone, MP3 player etc., either by solar or wind power. The K3 is somewhat waterproof but otherwise heavy duty. It will … Read more →

Man-made Salt Water Clouds To Stop Global Warming?

Bjørn Lomborg, Danish author, academic and environmental writer, just came out with a new idea on how to stop global warming: Man-made clouds made by vaporizing ocean salt water up into the air! He estimates that the project would cost somewhere around 8.5 billion dollars and if I remember correctly, he mentioned something with 1900 … Read more →

Facebook: World’s 4th Most Visited Website. Google: Brand Value $100 Billion

In just one year, Facebook has seen a phenomenal growth in the number of visits. Today there are 208 million more people visiting Facebook, than there was just a year ago. 24 million more visits last month makes Facebook the fourth most popular site in the world and the most popular site that has nothing … Read more →

Nikon Coolpix S1000pj – World’s First Camera With Built-In Projector

Thanks to its built-in projector, Nikon Coolpix S1000pj is a technological innovation at the front of the rest of the photo industry. The projector allow users to share images with friends and family in a new way without using any additional equipment and without having a ton of people around the camera’s LCD screen.

Coolpix S1000pj is also equipped with Auto Motive Select where the camera automatically selects the proper program from the picture content so you can take perfect pictures with the touch of a button. It also provides five functions to reduce image shake and razor sharp images.

With a 2.7 “LCD, a wide-angle NIKKOR lens with 5x zoom and the entire 12.1 megapixels, Coolpix S1000pj is a whole new way to share pictures with others.

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Apple Just Released Mac OS X 10.5.8 Update

Apple just released software update 10.5.8 for Mac OS X Leopard. This update upgrades Safari to version 4.0.2 as well as accuracy of full history search in Safari 4. Also some minor improvements and fixes within Bluetooth, iCal, MobileMe Sync, CalDav, AirPort networks. You can read all the details about the 10.5.8 update at Apples … Read more →

The Bing- Yahoo Partnership: Good News or Bad?

Microsoft and Yahoo finally signed an agreement to join forces. There was not a buyout or a merger, as some analysts thought there would be: that may come later. But, the current contract between the two corporate giants, if not blocked by the Justice Department, has big implications for search engine optimization companies and everyone with a website. Here are a few of them.

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Meta Tag Explained

A Meta Tag is a line of HTML coding containing metadata about the webpage it is sited on. The Meta tag information does not change the appearance of the page and will never be seen by the people visiting the webpage. The only way your Meta tags will be seen is if the audience wish to notice your find language.

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TDC Warns Against Phishing

scam_truckFormer telecom monopoly in Denmark, TDC, says in its latest press release that phishing e-mails are increasing.

A phishing-mail is an e-mail with the sole purpose of trying to fish personal information from you, like username and password to an e-mail account, bank account, etc. It might also cut straight to the point and try to lure your credit card details by convincing you to enter them on a site, or something “bad” might happen to your e-mail account or stuff like that.

The spamfilter at TDC catches between 300 and 500 million e-mails every month, but it also catches phishing-mails. It’s said that 1 out of 300 e-mails sent on the Internet is a phishing mail. Studies show that users are more inclined to react (get caught) on a phishing-mail rather than ordinary spam. That explains why we are seeing more and more phishing e-mails.

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Have You Gone Google, yet?

Despite being one of the most known companies in the world, Google just launched an ad campaign with 4 massive billboards along freeways around San Francisco, Boston, Chicago and New York. The ad claims that 1.75 million companies already made the switch to Google Apps which allows them to avoid software upgrade costs and other … Read more →

July 2009: Blog Summary & Income (My First Month Of Blogging)

techpatio_july_visitsSince the beginning of, I decided that I wanted to share my blogging experiences with my readers. I’ve seen it in several places, but I also understand that some bloggers don’t care much about sharing their earnings and visitor stats with total strangers. Nevertheless, I believe – for now at least – that it’s important that others will be able to benefit from my knowledge and my experience.

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How To Give Valuable And Constructive Feedback

We should all know how important it is to be able to accept feedback from others, specially constructive feedback, which allows us to improve ourselves, or the project or whatever received the feedback. One way of giving feedback is to simply let it out there. Say it like you mean it, just like when the … Read more →

My Top 10 Favorite TV Shows

Old Sanyo TelevisionInspired by Dragon Bloggers Top Television Shows-post, I decided to make my own list of the 10 most favorite TV shows of all time – according to me, at least. The list is in no particular order, as it depends on my mood what kind of show I’m most into at the moment.

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