How To Use Twitter To Get Through To Customer Support In A Jiffy

I have an online bank account with NetEller that I use for online stuff, much like PayPal etc., except that NetEller also offers you a prepaid MasterCard to use all over the world and in shops. Which is great! But today I found out they had disabled my account (again!) to “protect my personal information”. … Read more →

One Hundred Bad Guys From A Phishing Gang Indicted

Softpedia reports FBI announced that 33 bad guys were arrested in the connection with an international phishing gang that operated out of U.S. (California, Nevada and North Carolina) and Egypt. So far 53 individuals have been charged but the number is expected to rise to 100 in the coming days, as Egypt authorities have identified … Read more →

A Child Can Crack Your Password – Change It Now!

If you can count to 10, you can crack most passwords. That seems to be the case by looking at most of the thousands of leaked Windows Live ID passwords last week – they very often are just simple number combinations such as “123456”, birth dates or names. Passwords that can easily be found out … Read more →

The Pirate Bay Relocates To Dutch “Nuclear Bunker”

The Pirate Bay has been looking to set sail and find a new country to dock at, ever since the Swedish court ruled that their provider, Black Internet, should disconnect The Pirate Bay servers from the Internet. According to TorrentFreak, The Pirate Bay at first tried to settle down in Ukraine but ended up with … Read more →

Windows Mobile 6.5 Released Today – It Doesn’t Look Good

Windows Mobile has received a ton of negative criticism over the years, though there’s still some faithful users of Windows Mobile, the rest of the world seems to have moved over to Symbian, iPhone, Android and webOS. And to be honest, Windows Mobile seems really old and clumsy to use compared to other modern mobile … Read more →

The Importance Of Keywords In Your Domain Name For SEO?

I often wonder exactly how important it is to have keywords in your domain name, so I would like to hear your thoughts on this. But first, let’s break down what we’re dealing with here, cause mostly you hear about keywords in the URL. An URL usually consists of two things, the domain name and … Read more →

Usenet Access Discontinued For Verizon And AT&T – Best Usenet Server Recommendation

As of September 30th, Verizon no longer provides free Usenet access to its customers and AT&T also stopped providing access as of July 15th. So if you’re based in the US and a customer of AT&T or Verizon you no longer have access to Usenet through your ISP, but don’t worry, there are alternatives… First, … Read more →

Over 10,000 Hotmail User Logins Leaked On Pastebin

A list of over 10,000 usernames and passwords for Microsoft Live ID was leaked October 1st on the web site which is a tool for collaborative debugging and editing, usually for developers to paste code snippets etc. to share with others. The list was later removed but is said to include usernames starting with … Read more →

FeedBurner Changes Redirect Method to ‘301’ – Better SEO For Your Blog

I was going to create a post on how you could get better Search Engine Optimization for your blog using FeedBurner links, especially if you have a habit of commenting on blogs with CommentLuv that pulls your FeedBurner RSS feed to get your latest blog post(s), but FeedBurner made a change that would render my … Read more →

September 2009: Blog Summary & Income Report (My Third Month Of Blogging)

I’m three months into my “blogging life” and my 3rd month has been my best month so far, when looking at visits and pageviews. I’ve also decided to start a new blog, which I call ApplePatio. Yes, you guessed it, it’s about Apple and it’s still within my ‘Patio theme (branding FTW, right?). Read more … Read more →