There’s a 22% chance you’re using Firefox, and since you’re actually reading this, you’re probably a bit more tech savvy than the average Internet user, so you’re most likely using Firefox (or Safari, but sometimes Firefox, am I right?). Let’s get on with it – here’s some Firefox add-ons, or extensions if you will, that I can’t live without, can you…?
Adblock Plus
This one is tricky. Advertisements are what keeps lots of the Internet free now a days, so blocking the ads is not the best thing to do. With that said, some sites simply overdo with ads – way too much. Use Adblock Plus to block the overwhelming ads you’re certain you don’t want to see, e.g. flash banners and such. But don’t forget to actually click on some of the ads you see, just to support the site owner and show your appreciation. It doesn’t cost you anything and only takes a second. I do this myself sometimes, even in YouTube videos, if the advertisement is just a little bit interesting.