Google Authorship – Learn how to display your face in Google

If you haven’t heard by now, Google Authorship is the new mechanism by Google which seemingly helps to rank your site better in the world’s largest search engine. What is it? This is Google’s method of assigning an author to the content which has been posted in their search engine. To take this one step … Read more →

Make Embed Codes for Infographics for Effective Linkbaiting

[tp lang=”en” only=”y”] Guest article written by: Emma-Julie Fox writes for Pitstop Media, a Vancouver based SEO company. Pitstop Media has been helping businesses across North America successfully increase their search visibility. If you want to invite the author to guest post on your blog please contact [/tp] [tp not_in=”en”] Guest article written by: … Read more →

How to Improve Your SEO with StatCounter Analytics Data

All website owners who take their SEO seriously have some sort of Web analytics script running on their sites to monitor performance. One of the most feature-rich is StatCounter. This free yet powerful service can provide a ton of valuable data that you can use to refine your SEO strategies. While it’s impossible to describe … Read more →

Good SEO Company vs. Bad SEO Company

Websites needs to rank well if they are to attract quality traffic and in the end increase the visibility of the services or products being offered. With this high demand in achieving high search engine rakings, several companies have emerged that provide Search Engine Optimization aka SEO services. Generally, SEO involves the use of certain … Read more →

SEO – Why Sitemaps are Important

There are several SEO tactics which can help you optimize your site. One of the tactics that is at times overlooked is sitemaps. As the name suggests, this is a map of your website which shows things such as the sections of your website as well as its structure. Sitemaps make site navigation easier. Therefore, … Read more →

Why HTML5 is important for SEO?

Information technology and science is getting improved day by day. The progress and improvement in this field can be proven by hundreds of prominent and popular examples. The HTML5 is also important for the search engine optimization. However, there is a conflict among the experts and professionals about the potential of HTML5 for the search … Read more →

Understanding the Importance of SEO for Small Business

Many people across the world do not know the importance of search engine optimization in small business. This is mainly because some say that small businesses have limited resources hence do not need SEO.  On the other hand, a good number of individuals over expects from search engine optimization. They believe that with SEO, one … Read more →

Affects of Google Plus Pages in SEO

It has come to many people’s realization that recently, Google plus has increased a lot in relation to its growth.  Since the implementation, Google plus has been able to receive millions and millions of users including Facebook as well as an option that enables businesses to have profiles.  In the past, it could only host … Read more →

What Does Google Analytics Tell You About Your Site

Google Analytics is a wonderful tool for any webmaster, but what many of us may be ignoring might just be the most important part of Analytics. Tracking site search can hold valuable information about your site and the searchers that use your site. Many of us overlook this data in favour of the easier to … Read more →

Off Page Search Engine Optimization

You can make use of other’s websites to promote and attract traffic towards yours. The category of SEO in which you tries to drive traffic from external websites is known as Off Page Search Engine Optimization. Here are a few commonly used Off Page SEO techniques. Social Networking Sites Social networking sites are a great … Read more →

Considerations before hiring a SEO consultant to optimize your website

Not everybody is aware of the importance of ranking well in the search engines, Google, Bing etc., but the more online experience you get the more you’ll start to become aware that the reason you’re not getting much traffic to your website is because people are not finding it due to low search engine rankings. … Read more →

Simple Methods of Link Building for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been used mostly for developing better links. Having a large number of links means having a large number of people for getting in to the site as well as also increasing popularity of that web site. This process is somewhere related to the success of that business as it offers … Read more →