CommentLuv – A Link Builders Dream Or The Latest Waste of Time?

First off I’d like to say I have never used comment spam, and I never plan to, I will admit that I have partaken in some forum spamming in my early days, before I seen the light. Matt Cutts and Google decided that they wanted to put a stop to this spam and the nofollow … Read more →

Top 3 Search Engine Optimization Tips for Beginners

If you’re a newborn webmaster/blogger or you don’t have much clue about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) yet, this is for you. However, if you’re already experienced in that field, this article will not learn you anything new. But since so many new website owners enters the Internet each day, it’s important to continue to educate … Read more →

Matt Cutts On How PageRank Flows From Twitter & Facebook

A new webmaster video has been released from Matt Cutts, where he talks about how Google see links from Twitter and Facebook coming to your site and how the PageRank flows from these sites as well. If you’re a webmaster or a blogger, it might be a good idea to follow @googlewmc on Twitter to … Read more →

SEO Was Yesterday – Now Comes NFO (Facebook)

SEO, Search Engine Optmization, is what bloggers (and companies) do, to get as high a rank in the search engines as possible. Something you should always aim to do if you’re interested in search engine traffic finding their way to your site. Now there’s a new concept on its way: News Feed Optimization (NFO). Recent … Read more →

Woopra – Live Visitor Statistics For Your Blog

Woopra is an innovative live tracking and analytics software for your website or blog. It provides detailed analytics data just like the free Google Analytics does, but Woopra does it live – which can be very interesting to look at it. Up until recently, Woopra was in closed beta so you would need to apply … Read more →

The Importance Of Keywords In Your Domain Name For SEO?

I often wonder exactly how important it is to have keywords in your domain name, so I would like to hear your thoughts on this. But first, let’s break down what we’re dealing with here, cause mostly you hear about keywords in the URL. An URL usually consists of two things, the domain name and … Read more →

FeedBurner Changes Redirect Method to ‘301’ – Better SEO For Your Blog

I was going to create a post on how you could get better Search Engine Optimization for your blog using FeedBurner links, especially if you have a habit of commenting on blogs with CommentLuv that pulls your FeedBurner RSS feed to get your latest blog post(s), but FeedBurner made a change that would render my … Read more →

3 Article Headline Techniques That Will Bring A Flood Of Traffic To Your Site

Article marketing can be a great way to drive traffic to your site. One of the best article directories, EzineArticles, get hundreds of thousands of visitors a day. EzineArticles allows you to submit your articles to their directory, for free! But getting the EzineArticle users to take a look at your article is a completely … Read more →

Internet Web Site Marketing And SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a highly specialized skill that goes far beyond good content and HTML skills. Page structure, incoming links, style, title tags and many other things come into play to get a website to the top of the search engines for your keywords. Search Engine Optimization is crucial to your success online. Search engine optimization is a popular type of online marketing. The term SEO refers to utilizing content to increase search engine results and thus traffic. An internet web site marketing campaign can become quickly overwhelming of not done right. Search engines are the way most people find a web site. Being well-placed in the search results can make a tremendous difference in the number of visitors you get.

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Attaining Higher SEO Ranking

The seo ranking service support has it hypnotic tactics that can create a good or better ranking for your website and directs bring more traffic to your zone. Search Engine Optimization ranking is of vital importance to your business on the web. With the application of the SEO system your site will be able to find a prominent spot in relation to your position in the search engines results pages.

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The Bing- Yahoo Partnership: Good News or Bad?

Microsoft and Yahoo finally signed an agreement to join forces. There was not a buyout or a merger, as some analysts thought there would be: that may come later. But, the current contract between the two corporate giants, if not blocked by the Justice Department, has big implications for search engine optimization companies and everyone with a website. Here are a few of them.

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Meta Tag Explained

A Meta Tag is a line of HTML coding containing metadata about the webpage it is sited on. The Meta tag information does not change the appearance of the page and will never be seen by the people visiting the webpage. The only way your Meta tags will be seen is if the audience wish to notice your find language.

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SEO: Why Meta Description Is Still Important

By now you may have heard several times from search engine experts, that “meta tags” are not as important any longer as they used to be. While that’s especially true for “meta keywords”, as they were simply being abused too much, meta description is still important to maintain in your website pages. Let me explain why…

If meta description is not available on your page, Google and other search engines will use some text from that particular page and display those few lines under your page title in the search result. That may not be too bad in most cases, but you don’t really have a saying when deciding which lines should be shown there, and in worse case, it will show some text completely irrelevant to the content of your page.

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Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), part 1

Business GraphIf you have absolutely no clue, or very little, about Search Engine Optimizaiton, reading this post will get you started with some basic information.

As you have probably figured out already, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SERP means Search Engine Result Pages, ie. the page you see on e.g. Google with the results of what you just searched for. And SE, you guessed it, Search Engine, like Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on.

I’m going to assume that you already have a website or a blog, that you wish to optimize a bit and get some more hits from the Search Engines. Lets start with the first and most important rule.

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