Technology Predictions for 2021 and the Importance of MIS

Image Source As 2021 unfolds, staying ahead of the technological trends remain crucial. The year 2020 has been quite a dynamically changing year, forcing all sectors to embrace the change. With the COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc globally, the technological advancement set the new rhythm of transformation. The world that we inhabit today is unique from … Read more →

What are the best ways to communicate downtime?

Every website experiences downtime from time to time, that is absolutely ok. What is important, however, is how downtime is communicated with users, customers, and overall people that matter to the company. In today’s world where users can quickly switch between different services, it is a key to success to provide the best user experience … Read more →

Could a keylogger be spying on you? Everything you need to know

You presumably have a sense of safety utilizing an ATM at your bank to make monetary exchanges. Nevertheless, when you type your PIN code on the ATM keyboard, you could be imperiling your accounts. How? Criminals might have the option to catch your PIN utilizing keystroke logging observation using keyboard overlays. Your data could be … Read more →

Netflix Smashes Audience Records with 203M Subscribers

Netflix, a well-known American Internet streaming media provider, has announced on Tuesday that it now has more than 203 million subscribers all over the world, after 8.5 million new customers have signed up between October and December 2020. In Netflix’s quarterly letter to shareholders, the entertainment/media company’s annual revenue reached £18.3 billion, a 24% increase … Read more →

Signal Private Messaging: All You Need To Know

Signal has recently gained popularity after the WhatsApp Privacy Policy controversy. WhatsApp announced earlier this year that it will be sharing “certain” data with its parent company, Facebook. Users were outraged and started to look for alternatives that would respect their privacy, one such app was Signal. After the protests, there was a major surge … Read more →

Is smart watch good for kids

In the 21st century, we all are proceeding toward a smart system. From smartphones to smart homes, we are developing everything gradually. For kids, the market is flooded with many gadgets. And all are not advantageous to them. But what you think about a smartwatch? Is a smartwatch good for kids? People who are using … Read more →

Which Platform Is Best for Your Social Media Strategy?

Undoubtedly, social media is an effective marketing tool in today’s modern world. Any business that is determined to stay relevant and achieve its goal finds social media essential. This means that if a company has not utilized social media and taken advantage of its benefits, it cannot expect to stay in the competition. A company’s … Read more →

Top 10 ways 5G will impact gaming industry

The pandemic caused hysteria and panic all over the world, which resulted in us being confined to our homes. Everything moved to the digital realm and we were starving for entertainment. Video games came to the rescue; they have been a lifeline for many during these turbulent times. Games have allowed us to stay connected … Read more →

Camping Gadgets You Must Have in Nature

The past year has certainly been filled with a lot of stress and uncertainty, and most of our travel plans had to be canceled, postponed or adjusted. Instead of hitting exotic beaches and island hopping (unless you live right next to these tropical destinations) we had to make the most of our local national parks, … Read more →

Why HTML5 Games Are Changing The Gaming Industry

Browser games have been around for a long time now. To many of us, our first exposure to browser games was in the form of flash games. Popular flash games like Bejeweled and The Crimson Room, kept us entertained.   But as time has rolled by, Flash became phased out. It is now a relic of … Read more →

The Evolution of the POS System from Cash Register to Modern POS Systems!

The idea of a POS system erupted in 1879, with the creation of cash registers. Since then, it has gone through many technological changes to make it more efficient and quick. The point of sale (POS) system helps businesses to complete and track daily transactions. There is a vast difference between today’s POS and traditional bookkeeping systems. The advent … Read more →

What Makes Refurbished Macbooks a Great Deal?

When shopping for a new laptop, many people always think buying new is the best choice and better than used ones. It’s a fair assumption, especially when it comes to Apple products like MacBooks. However, closing your doors on alternatives due to preconceived notions can take away a viable and practical option: buying a refurbished … Read more →

How to Choose the Best Node.js Framework

From AI/ML to Javascript frameworks, development trends continue to change for good. Looking into the latest web development framework, you will find Nodejs as widely used javascript platforms which allows developers in designing and developing robust and scalable applications in minimal development time.  Node.js frameworks are well-known for its non-blocking and event-driven models, which makes … Read more →

Are Password Managers Worth Spending Money On?

We’ve all heard about password managers, but, like with any other product, we find ourselves asking the question, “is it worth spending the money on?” The short answer is yes, but it will come down to personal preference. In this guide, my goal is to show you why we all should be using a password … Read more →

Global tech trends in 2025

Every day a new technology introduces into the world. Technology is so changeable and laborious, but it makes human life comfy, safe, and secure. Everyone has to keep pace with technology changing rapidly. However, it is strenuous. It would be unwise for you to take the risk of lingering behind tech trends. It is also … Read more →