Review on DVDFab DVD Copy

Publisher: Fengtao Software Inc. – More than 8 Years’ Dedication – Professional Perspective Concerning Technology – Infinite Pursuing of Perfectionism Speaking of DVD backup, well, I do have this need periodically, if not daily. I own a lot of DVDs, most of which are movies, and with a small part, music. As everybody else does, … Read more →

How to avoid your outgoing e-mails being caught up in spam/junk filter

When you e-mail people you don’t “know” (as in, have already communicated with via e-mail in the past, so their address book might contain your e-mail address), there’s a chance of your e-mail ending up in their spam/junk filter, let’s just call it spam filter. While it doesn’t happen so often, it really can depend … Read more →

When Will Mobile Game Design Grow Up?

It’s time for smartphones and tablets to realize their potential There’s nothing wrong with casual gaming; everyone can get behind throwing fowl at a building full of smirking pigs. But with the leaps and bounds in mobile technology, there’s a vast frontier available to mobile designers, that has remained largely untouched. Will mobile games ever … Read more →

SimCity: Crashed & Burned! Also, Mac compatiblity, server issues, bugs and more…

SimCity, also known as SimCity 5 and SimCity 2013, has crashed & burned. What do I mean by that? Well, let’s take a look. I’ll begin with the lesser important ones first and build up to the big issues further down. 1. PC license compatible with Mac? Yes? No? Maybe? Don’t know? You can buy … Read more →

What to expect from the Samsung Galaxy S4

Now that a date of March 14th has been set for the big unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S4, months of rumour and speculation can finally be put to bed. Whatever spec the phone actually has, the stories being leaked to various websites suggest that it should present a strong challenge to the iPhone’s dominance … Read more →

Big Data – Its Importance and How It Affects our Everyday Lives

ones_zeros_1_0_dataDid you know that 90% of the data in the whole world today has just been created as of 2012?  It has been stated that each day, we create about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data! You may be thinking, where did all this data come from?  This data actually comes from many sources including but not limited to: sensors utilized to collect climate information, digital pictures and videos, software logs, mobile phone GPS signals, purchase transaction records, and let’s not forget, posts to social media sites.  All of this is known as big data.

Big data is described as a collection of data sets so huge and complex that it becomes hard to process with the use of conventional data processing applications or on-hand database management tools.

Below are some ways how big data is important and how it affects our everyday lives:

  • Some companies tend to leverage big data in order to improve their existing procedures and processes.

Science and research companies – The decoding of the human genome originally took 10 years to process in the past, but now it can be achieved in just 1 week!

Financial services companies – since these companies already execute fraud analysis, they can utilize big data from other sources, thus improving the process and even identify potential issues much faster than ever before.

Police and other law enforcement agencies – big data technology aids law enforcement personnel to analyze streaming video footages in real time and specifically point out smaller chunks of video relevant for review, rather than relying on human eyes to look at each and every frame.

  • Big data technology tremendously helps companies or organizations to do something utterly special and/or unorthodox, offering “fresh, out-of-the-box marketing opportunities” from already-existing, previously untapped data.  This can happen in a variety of methods, depending on the choices made by the company/organization such as: they can turn their information into an advantage that enables them to partner with other companies/organizations, or they can even create an add-on product either for their new or existing customers.

Telecommunication companies – with big data technology, they can now analyze location data that is garnered from mobile devices. This data not only aids in improving their own networks and other processes, but also it can help open up opportunities for partnering with retailers.

Marketing and sales companies – in the world of marketing and selling products and/or services, there are many companies that employ hundreds or even thousands of individuals to do just one “simple yet complex” thing, and that is, to partake in pricing decisions.  What makes pricing very complex and difficult is due to the fact that it involves many people in highly-complicated negotiations with customers juggling countless promotions and discounts.  You may notice that salesperson A may be a power seller, but he may be selling huge volumes of products at a loss.  On the other hand, salesperson B may sell lower volumes of products, but at prices that are certain to reap better profits.  By means of [tp lang=”en” only=”y”]leveraging big data for price improvement[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]leveraging big data for price improvement[/tp], these marketing companies become extremely adept at making the most accurate and precise comparisons on how salespeople are pricing products and services, as well as evaluating their performance at work. This results to a more comprehensible assessment of a person’s contributions to boosting up the profit performance of their company.

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How to Use an Electronic Cigarette

Electronic cigarettes are going on their first decade on the market. They were originally invented by a Chinese chemist, and have gone on to be produced and marketed by a number of successful companies over the past decade. Traditional tobacco cigarettes rely on a combustion process to deliver the nicotine to the user. An electronic … Read more →

Symptoms of a Fragmented Mac Hard Drive

No one can deny the fact that Mac hard drives are less prone to fragmentation than Windows, but we cannot say that Mac’s never get fragmented. Like any other hard drive Mac too gets fragmented over time, but its inbuilt safeguards defragment it time to time and never let you fell that it too needs … Read more →

Tablet generation: What we do with our tablets

There’s a new infographic in town, which I thought would be interesting to analyze and see how well it applies to my own tablet use. The infographic is at the bottom of this article.First, the infographic says that 30% of every tablet user in 2012 used their tablet daily. That number is surprisingly low for … Read more →