Facebook For iPhone Updated To 3.1 With Push Notifications

One of the most popular applications for iPhone and iPod Touch, Facebook, has just been updated to version 3.1 and now includes the long awaited Push Notifications. Receiving the push notifications on your iPhone does not necessarily require that you have “Push” enabled, as this usually drains your battery rather quick. I have mine set … Read more โ†’

December 2009: Blog Summary & Income Report

This is going to be a very short summary & income report-post, I’ll tell you why in a minute. But first, Congratulations to me for having TechPatio.com online for 6 months now. That’s six full months of blogging. It’s been both fun and exhausting, it’s not as easy as they all say it is ๐Ÿ™‚ … Read more โ†’

Vocalocity – Hosted PBX [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange and is a telephone exchange that services a particular business or office. PBX is also known as … Read more โ†’

Just Host – Web Hosting [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. โ€œThe last hosting plan youโ€™ll never need.โ€ Thatโ€™s how Just Host welcomes you to their web site where they offer web hosting plans … Read more โ†’

Friday Flick Find: Fireworks

Let’s go back and pretend today is Friday January 1st 2010, then it means I’m not a few days late with this Friday Flick Find ๐Ÿ™‚ What else to show a video of, on this day (January 1st), than Fireworks? I picked this video partly because of the New Year but also because we don’t … Read more โ†’

AlreadyHosting – Web Hosting Reviews [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. Unless youโ€™re new to the Internet, you probably already know what domain names are, so I will not waste precious time explaining it. … Read more โ†’

Facebook: Top Status Trends 2009

Each year, Google announce the most popular searches throughout the year and now Facebook wants to get a piece of that pie. Facebook looks through words posted in status updates from users in the USA, to determine “words of the year”. 1st place: Various Facebook applications, where words such as “MafiaWars” and “FarmVille” are found … Read more โ†’

Teleconferencing [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. Teleconferencing has been around for many years but has started to become more popular and used by consumers over the past years as … Read more โ†’

Link Building Services [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, ever heard ofย  that? Itโ€™s not a new buzz word thatโ€™s popular because of how it … Read more โ†’