Computer Security Is More Than Just Spyware & Viruses – It’s You!

Computer security, in basic terms means keeping your computer, and the data that is in it, safe and secure. More of our personal data is stored in or accessed from our computer, now more than ever before. Yet most people lack even the basic understanding of how to keep their computers safe and secure. By … Read more →

iPhone Free Week – Day 3: HTC Tattoo, Camera & Video Recording Quality

Welcome to day 3 in my iPhone Free Week where I’m using only a HTC Tattoo running Android, instead of my trusty old iPhone 3Gs. Today, I also have a home-made video for you. Before we continue, please allow me to mention some of the previous posts in the iPhone Free Week series: iPhone Free … Read more →

10 Reasons Not To Use An iPhone

In the middle of my iPhone free week where I’ll be using only a HTC Tattoo running Android, I thought it would be approriate to post these 10 reasons not to use an iPhone, from PC World Denmark. 1. Multitasking Apparently it’s “a dream come through” to be able to switch between your e-mail application, … Read more →

iPhone Free Week: Warm-up To My “iPhone Replaced By Tattoo”-Experiment

In my last post I introduced you to my little experiment of replacing my beloved iPhone 3GS with a HTC Tattoo running the Android operating system. Now I’d just like to touch some of the things that “switchers”, with a Mac, might come accross, especially when switching from an iPhone to an Android based phone. … Read more →

iPhone Camera With 8x Zoom Lens

Despite being only 3.2 megapixel, the iPhone 3GS camera ain’t that bad after all. Give it some proper lighting and it will be at least as good as other 3.2 megapixel phone cameras with autofocus. But, it lacks zoom, for obvious reasons. Now the Japanese have a solution to that (who else than the Japanese … Read more →

Internet Explorer 8 Extends Laptop Battery Life

Who would have thought, there’s actually something that Internet Explorer 8 does better than the other browsers 🙂 When it comes to battery life on your laptop, surfing with Internet Explorer 8 is likely to provide you with 8% more minutes for surfing than if using Firefox 3.5.2. Safari 4 in Windows is the worst … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: Four Amazing Impressions

I love impressions, also known as impersonations. It’s amazing how they manage to sound exactly like somebody else – I wish I could do that from time to time. It could be “my thing”, you know, like a “party trick” or something. That would be so cool! It’s too bad that this video shows the … Read more →

iPhone Free Week: Introduction To A Week With HTC Tattoo (Android)

I’ve been ‘suffering’ from the “iSyndrome” since I got my first MacBook back in Q2 2006 and when the iPhone EDGE was released in the US, I had no other choice than go to eBay and import one of them. Then came the iPhone 3G and I bought one locally. The year after, iPhone 3GS … Read more →

Apple Makes More Money On Cellphones Than Nokia & I’m Giving Up On My iPhone!

Apple has taken over Nokia, when looking at profit by selling cellphones, according to a recent study by Strategy Analytics. With operating profits in the third quarter of $1.6 billion (estimated by Strategy Analytics), they made more money by Nokia with $1.1 billion. Apple sold 7.4 million iPhones during the third quarter (July-September), generating sales … Read more →