Glossy MacBook Pro Screen Is Not All Bad – On The Contrary…

Who ever said that glossy screens sucked because of their reflection, clearly never had to watch Manchester United vs Arsenal on a TV located behind them… Once you try a glossy screen you’ll instantly notice that something is different, if it’s not the reflection from a light or something, it’s the increased contrast due to … Read more →

How To Fix “Logitech Control Center” (LCC) Support In Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

I found another incompatiblity issue with Snow Leopard, this time it’s from a small company, you might have heard of it. I think they create a few computer accesory parts every now and then, an occassional keyboard, mouse and computer speakers. Ring a bell? The company I’m talking about is Logitech and they are not … Read more →

I Should Have Waited With Snow Leopard Installation – Too Many Incompatiblity Issues

I just couldn’t resist, I simply had to install Snow Leopard as soon as I got my hands on it, neglecting to check if my favorite applications and plugins were compatible. I thought, since Snow Leopard has been out with developers for so long, that surely they must have something ready by now. How wrong … Read more →

Twitter Cross Site (XSS) Vulnerability – Watch Out!

James Slater, IT developer with a British firm that specializes in search engine optimization, has found a security vulnerability in the social network, Twitter. The simple act of reading tweets online on could cause somebody to steal your login cookie and potentially get access to your Twitter account – or simply redirect you to … Read more →

Top 10 Most Dangerous Celebrities Online – Jessica Biel In The Lead

You’re tech savvy enough to steer clear from hidden viruses and malware inside screensavers, ringtones etc. related to certain celebrities, right? Never the less, if you know somebody that’s not, make sure you send them the link to this post (or use any of the ‘social media’ icons at the bottom) – thank you! The … Read more →