iPhone Commodore 64 Emulator Just Approved By Apple… Or Not, Yet!

Apple just approved an iPhone C64 emulator application – the same one they rejected earlier. At this time I was unable to find it in App Store using iTunes but the price should be around $5 and it comes with five games: Dragons Den, Le Mans, Jupiter Lander, Jack Attack and Arctic Shipwreck. The developer … Read more →

PTHPasteboard Alternatives For Snow Leopard: Clipboard Evolved & Jumpcut

I’ve been using PTHPasteboard as my clipboard manager in Leopard for quite some time. I never really liked it, it didn’t feel “Mac like”. It was a combination of it’s visual appearance when you needed to retrieve something from your clipboard and also the settings – it just didn’t feel Mac’ish, you know? But I … Read more →

Snow Leopard: Hidden Features & Shortcuts in Mac OS X 10.6

16 year old Matt Fisher from the Great US of A created this video for YouTube, in which he tells us about some hidden features and shortcuts he has found in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. In the video, Matt covers some hidden new features from within Finder & Coverflow, Preview, System Preferences and … Read more →

Danish Company Ready With 3D Revolution For Flatscreens

In a matter of a few months, the 65 million people across the world who has a gaming console with the ability to go online, will be able to watch 3D movies from the comfort of their own home. We’re launching 3DMovieChannel during first quarter next year. Everybody who today can watch movies on YouTube … Read more →

23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones And 9 iPods Stolen In 31 Seconds

31 seconds was all it took for five masked thieves to bust an Apple Store i New Jersey wide open and steal 23 MacBook Pros, 14 iPhones and 9 iPod Touches while being recorded by the surveillance cam. The thieves smashed the window with a blunt object, ran into the store and threatened the security … Read more →

Orbicule’s Undercover Mac Theft Recovery System – Reinstall Necessary On Snow Leopard

Ever since I had my good ol’ MacBook stolen from within my flat because somebody forgot to lock the kitchen window, I’ve been using Undercover from Orbicule on all my other Mac’s. The reason is clear: It gives me a better chance of ever recovering my Mac, than if I didn’t have the software installed. … Read more →

How To: QuickTime X Autoplay Movies On Open In Snow Leopard

QuickTime X is the newest version of QuickTime Player for Mac which comes with the new Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard introduces QuickTime X, a major leap forward that advances modern media and Internet standards. QuickTime X includes a brand-new player application, offers optimized support for modern codecs, and delivers more efficient … Read more →

Nokia Announces X3 And X6 – Music Phones

Today Nokia announced their X-Series Music phones at Nokia World 2009 event in Stuttgart, Germany. As expected, the new Nokia N900 smartphone were introduced, but other than that, not a lot of breaking news to report. There was however room for a couple of music related news. Nokia X6 and Nokia X3 are the newest … Read more →

August 2009: Blog Summary & Income Report (My Second Month Of Blogging)

It’s that time of the month again…. No, not that time, what’s the matter with you? The time I’m obviously talking about, is the time where it’s time to look into the month of August 2009 and report back to my readers how the month has been for techpatio.com, related to visits and income. So … Read more →

Top 5 Myths About Steve Jobs

Last week I did a compilation on Top 5 Myths About Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter from HowStuffWorks – today I noticed they also have a similar top 5 myths about Steve Jobs, or His Steveness, as certain fanboys & girls sometimes call him… If you have a bit of interest in this college … Read more →