Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard goes “Golden Master” at build 10A432

Latest rumors has it that the Apple developers are now finished with Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” and build 10A432 goes “Golden Master”, which means it’s ready for production. Snow Leopard is scheduled to be released in September and will only work on Intel Macs. At an upgrade cost of just $29, I sure … Read more →

Movie Review: Fanboys (2008) – Kristen Bell, William Shatner, Seth Rogen

Plot: Star Wars fans travel to Skywalker Ranch to steal an early copy of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999). Before you read any further, please make sure that you can answer the following 3 questions: Who tracks down Han Solo and takes him to Jabba The Hutt in Star Wars Episode … Read more →

Nokia 6301 iSync Plugin (6300 iSync)

Nokia 6300/6301 is not supported by Apple’s iSync per default, so in order to get 6301 iSync compatibility you will need to install a custom iSync plugin. This 6301 iSync plugin allows you to synchronize using bluetooth. It will synchronize data from your Address Book such as name, addresses, etc. as well as data from … Read more →

Sony Ericsson W350 iSync Plugin

Sony Ericsson W350 is not supported by Apple’s iSync per default, so in order to get W350 iSync compatibility you will need to install a third party plugin. So far the only suitable plugin I’ve found is the one from Feisar which you can purchase for $3, click here. This W350 iSync plugin allows you … Read more →

What Secret Game Are Apple And Google Playing?

Eric Schmidt, Google U.S. Federal Trade Commission has already started to look at the complex relationship of Apple and Google.

Last week Google chief Eric E. Schmidt left Apple’s board of directors as both parties agreed that they actually compete in the mobile business with Android and iPhone. Yet, there is much talk in the corners and some people believe that Google deliberately failed to build multi-touch in Android at the request of Apple.

Now it also emerged that the two companies have an agreement not to recruit from each other’s employees, according to TechCrunch, who is in possession of an e-mail from Google.

Apple and Google remains tied together pretty well and part of Google’s technology is already built directly into Apple units, including extensive support for YouTube in everything from Apple TV to the iPhone.

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Thunderfly Bug Exploring The Inside Of My LCD Monitor

While watching the Fun Friday & Income Report Breakdown by Deneil Merritt, I noticed a thunderfly (thrips) bug starting to wander around on the inside of my Samsung LCD monitor. I don’t know what it did, maybe it was trying to rate Deneil’s video or looking for the “Digg!”-button. Or maybe it was trying to … Read more →

Nokia 5800 iSync Plugin

Nokia 5800 is not supported by Apple’s iSync per default, so in order to get 5800 iSync compatibility you will need to install a third party plugin. So far the only suitable plugin I’ve found is one supplied from Nokia themselves, so it should be working quite well. Download it here: Nokia 5800 iSync. This … Read more →

Attaining Higher SEO Ranking

The seo ranking service support has it hypnotic tactics that can create a good or better ranking for your website and directs bring more traffic to your zone. Search Engine Optimization ranking is of vital importance to your business on the web. With the application of the SEO system your site will be able to find a prominent spot in relation to your position in the search engines results pages.

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Kinesis K3 Solar/Wind Power Portable Charger

Don’t you just hate being stuck out in the woods without any power and your iPhone is about to run empty? Get yourself a K3 from Kinesis Industries! This gadget can charge your cell phone, MP3 player etc., either by solar or wind power. The K3 is somewhat waterproof but otherwise heavy duty. It will … Read more →

Man-made Salt Water Clouds To Stop Global Warming?

Bjørn Lomborg, Danish author, academic and environmental writer, just came out with a new idea on how to stop global warming: Man-made clouds made by vaporizing ocean salt water up into the air! He estimates that the project would cost somewhere around 8.5 billion dollars and if I remember correctly, he mentioned something with 1900 … Read more →

Facebook: World’s 4th Most Visited Website. Google: Brand Value $100 Billion

In just one year, Facebook has seen a phenomenal growth in the number of visits. Today there are 208 million more people visiting Facebook, than there was just a year ago. 24 million more visits last month makes Facebook the fourth most popular site in the world and the most popular site that has nothing … Read more →

Nikon Coolpix S1000pj – World’s First Camera With Built-In Projector

Thanks to its built-in projector, Nikon Coolpix S1000pj is a technological innovation at the front of the rest of the photo industry. The projector allow users to share images with friends and family in a new way without using any additional equipment and without having a ton of people around the camera’s LCD screen.

Coolpix S1000pj is also equipped with Auto Motive Select where the camera automatically selects the proper program from the picture content so you can take perfect pictures with the touch of a button. It also provides five functions to reduce image shake and razor sharp images.

With a 2.7 “LCD, a wide-angle NIKKOR lens with 5x zoom and the entire 12.1 megapixels, Coolpix S1000pj is a whole new way to share pictures with others.

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Apple Just Released Mac OS X 10.5.8 Update

Apple just released software update 10.5.8 for Mac OS X Leopard. This update upgrades Safari to version 4.0.2 as well as accuracy of full history search in Safari 4. Also some minor improvements and fixes within Bluetooth, iCal, MobileMe Sync, CalDav, AirPort networks. You can read all the details about the 10.5.8 update at Apples … Read more →