See How Easily Video Cash Is Made [YouTube]

If there’s one thing I hear all the time about making an income with video, it’s that it’s too HARD. Too time-consuming, difficult, expensive… Listen up friend: THAT IS SO 2005! 🙂 Take Gideon Shalwick for instance. He cranks out cool videos pretty much as fast as he can think. These clips often get thousands … Read more →

Got my iPhone 4!!! So, what about the antenna? Video inside…

I finally got my iPhone 4 after having ordered it on launch day, July 30th. Thanks to a friend of mine in Denmark who ordered it with a contract, I bought it from him as he was satisfied with his current iPhone 3GS and didn’t mind extending his contract with another six months. Lucky me. … Read more →

iPhone 4 & Droid Incredible – Robotic Disassembly by TechRestore

Remember the iPad disassembly video by TechRestore? That was really cool. Now TechRestore did it again with the iPhone 4 (and the Droid, but that’s an older video). I don’t know why, there’s just something really cool about these videoes – it’s probably the robotic sounds and movements and the fact that you get to … Read more →

iPhone 4 Cell Reception Suffers When Touching Its Stainless Steel Band (UPDATE: Or Software Issue?)

Scroll down for updates to this article. A video on YouTube is showing what some of us feared – that the cell reception suffers when you touch the stainless steel band that surrounds the iPhone, holding the two pieces of glas (front and back) together while also acting as antennas. There’s not much news about … Read more →

iPad Taken Apart By TechRestore, Cool Stop-Motion Video!

This is the coolest unpack/disassembly video I’ve ever seen. Well, at least that I can remember 🙂 It’s a stop-motion video created by TechRestore. Besides the cool sound effects, we also get to see the iPad deep inside. For instance, it has two built-in batteries with more than 5x as much capacity as the iPhone. … Read more →

Adobe Photoshop CS5: Content Aware Fill – Amazing New Feature (+Parody Video)

While there are a few great alternatives to Photoshop, and even a free one (GIMP), there’s no way around it – Photoshop is the king of image editing software. One of the great new features of Photoshop CS5 (not released yet) is Content Aware Fill. Adobe just released a demonstration (sneak peek) of this new … Read more →

3 Facebook Privacy Settings Everybody Should Know (+ Fun Videos)

A few months ago, Facebook popped up on most user’s screens, asking to modify privacy settings according to new settings offered by Facebook. Undoubtedly, many users just clicked through it and adapted the privacy settings suggested by Facebook, probably leaving your profile more open than it was before. No matter what, it’s a good idea … Read more →