Grab Energy Out Of The Air And Charge Your Devices

You probably have tried it several times already, running low on battery – or maybe even empty – with your mobile device. Specially if you have an iPhone or other similar media-fancy device, thanks to all the power hungry technologies such as 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS, big touchscreens etc. Fear no longer, cause Nokia is having … Read more →

Facebook App For iPhone 3.0 Coming Soon

Facebook app for iPhone 3.0For some time now, I’ve wondered why Facebook didn’t release a proper iPhone application that would let you use Faceobok more, like you would do in a browser. With the current version, you’re missing out on some features that would be nice to have, in such an application. Not to mention, where’s push notifications?!

However, there’s some good news around the corner for the almost 25% of all iPhone owners which has the Facebook app installed, according to Joe Hewitt (lead engineer for Facebook’s iPhone application). Earlier this week Joe shared some details on the upcoming 3.0 version of Facebook for iPhone, here’s some of the new stuff:

  • “New” News Feed
  • “Like” function
  • Events (including the ability to RSVP)
  • Notes
  • Pages
  • Create new photo albums
  • Upload photos to any album
  • Zoom into photos
  • Easier photo tagging
  • Profile Pictures albums
  • A new home screen for easy access to all your stuff, search, and notifications
  • Add your favorite profiles and pages to the home screen
  • Better Notifications (they link to the comments so you can reply)
  • Quickly call or text people right from the Friends page
  • Messages you are typing will be restored if you quit or are interrupted by a phone call

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Nokia: N97 Will Prove Superior To iPhone 3GS

Nokia N97The United Kingdom general manager from Nokia, Mark Loughran, is confident that their N97 will “prove superior” to the iPhone 3GS due to it’s better camera, lower tariffs and it’s “radical change in styling from the N96”.

Nokia is dubbing its new high-end mobile a “mini computer” with added QWERTY keyboard and larger screen, I agree, it’s one great piece of tech, no doubt about that.

But when Mark Loughran goes on saying “The new iPhone is an evolution rather than a revolution and for people trying to decide whether to get a Nokia N97 or an iPhone, it comes down to a decision on performance and value for money”. – well, Mark, you might be right. But what Apple does, and they do it good, is to make it fun, easy and enjoyable to use advanced features on your mobile device.

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Camera-like Fabric Developed by MIT

Here’s one to the wannabe-007’s. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institue of Techonolgy have come up with a fabric made of a “mesh of light-sensitive fibers”, that, collectively, act like a very basic camera. Those fibers can detect two frequencies of light which can be “forwarded” to, and processed by, a computer. Yoel Fink, an associate … Read more →

10 Blog Traffic Tips

TrafficIn every bloggers life comes a special day – the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else’s blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader – you. Maybe a few days later you received a few hits when you told your sister, father, girlfriend and best friend about your new blog but that’s about as far you went when it comes to finding readers.

Here are the top 10 techniques new bloggers can use to find readers. These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling.

It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called “traction”, which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.

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Google Chrome OS Will Be Found On Computers From Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo etc.

Google recently announced their new operating system, Chrome OS, based on Linux. Now they have also come out with some information as to which computer makes will be using their new operating system, Chrome OS. So far they already have agreements with companies such as Acer, Adobe, Asus, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Texas Instruments and Toshiba. Google … Read more →

What Is RSS Feeds And How Do You Use It

RSS feed icon
RSS feed icon

We all have to start somewhere, and that somewhere is usually where you don’t know much about anything. RSS feeds are such a thing. If I’m having a chat with my father about the Internet and start mentioning RSS feeds, XML files and so on, I can be certain that his mind is already in a completely different place than where I want it to be. So, this article is actually for people like him – people who have not yet had a chance to get to know RSS feeds, what they mean, what they’re good for – and how to subscribe using RSS.

I’ve known for a long time what RSS feeds are and how to use them, I just never use them, to be honest. Today I see how stupid I was, you miss out on a lot of great content and updates if you are determined to manually go and visit websites as you remember to do it, rather than having their RSS feeds delivered directly to your Inbox or favorite RSS reader.

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icloud – free operating system in The Cloud

One of the important buzz words of the year is still “cloud”. Meaning, to store your data in the cloud. Out there, up there, down there, wherever the servers might be located now a days. It’s also pretty clever, you get access to your data whenever, wherever, without having to use your own computer.

The ability to always have access to everything you need, pictures, movies, contacts, calender and so on, is the vision behind icloud, which provides you with a free operating system in the cloud. All you need is a web browser.

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Vulnerability in Microsoft ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Yesterday Microsoft announced that they are investigating a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control. If an attacker success in exploiting this vulnerability, he could gain the same rights as the local user. And now to the “sad” (and some what expected) part: When using Internet Explorer it could all happen without you knowing it, it’s done remote and does not require any user intervention.

Microsoft recommends that Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 customers remove support for this ActiveX Control within Internet Explorer. Though unaffected, they also recommend that Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 customers apply the same measures.

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Another Chance To Join “Become A Blogger Premium”

Gideon Shalwick & Yaro Starak: Become A Blogger Premium

This is a little crazy, and unexpected…

Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick just sent me an urgent note to let you know they are very briefly opening up their powerful blogging coaching program again, which I’m already participating in.


Well, they said that they got HEAPS of people that missed out because of the Independence Day Holiday in the United States last week.

And they wanted to give you another opportunity to join their amazing program, along with all the other 420 students who’ve already signed up last week.

If you missed out last week for whatever reason, this is your chance to get in.

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The Hottest Girls In Gaming

Who’s the hottest girl in gaming? And while most of you might scream out “Lara Croft” immediately – and I might agree, she does have nixe pixels – there’s a lot of other options too, check out this video from last months E3 show: