How To Make Good First Impressions With Consumers

A first impression is everything. It can frame a consumer’s entire experience with a company. A bad first impression, and you’ll have to work ten times harder to win back their good opinion. A good first impression? Well, then they are more likely to enjoy their experience and return.  Retention of consumers is more difficult … Read more →

A Guide to the Top 3 Concepts of Blockchain Technology

Source: Blockchain technology is one of the hot topics now. Here are the three key concepts that will be useful if you are venturing into Blockchain applications development. 1. Smart Contracts With an ever-increasing number of organizations putting resources into blockchain innovations, it is fundamental for associations to dive further into a smart contract … Read more →

5 Unconventional Marketing Methods

There are numerous ways you can market your services and products. As a business owner or operator, you can rely on some of the proven standbys. Those might include radio spots, TV commercials, and more recent additions to the list, like social media marketing. However, maybe you want to use less conventional means to reach … Read more →

Home Office Ideas for a Trendy Working Space

What Stylish Ideas Can You Use for Your Home Office? Your work zone should mirror your very own style Trendy Home Office Ideas Working from home helps you realize that adding some beautiful, decorative home office ideas to your workspace is essential. Your work zone should mirror your very own style. Modern workspaces can be … Read more →

Love music? Why Not Include it in Your Instagram Stories?

Day-in, day-out billions of users login and logout of Instagram. To make the user experience better than before, Instagram app makers keep on adding new updates. These nuances are sometimes related to stories, the other times, they are related to feeds. However, one of the most interesting updates that has made a lot of users … Read more →

The Timeline of iPhone’s Incredible Success

Think back to the phone you had before 2007. It probably was a ‘flip phone’ with a split keyboard, low resolution screen, a simple back camera that you primarily used for voice calls and texting. That changed in 2007, with the first unveiling of Apple’s original iPhone: a touch-screen creation that served as an iPod, … Read more →

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Software Development

Software is the foundation of all the advancements we see in our lives. Software development technologies have witnessed a massive transformation over the last few years. Businesses have adopted almost every emerging technology in their software development, and Artificial Intelligence is no exception. The influence of artificial Intelligence on software development changes how enterprises run … Read more →

Netflix could be killing the environment as researchers urge users to avoid streaming in HD on smartphones

As the pandemic has pushed many of us into our houses, forcing us to keep ourselves busy, there is no surprise that the popularity of Netflix has grown over the years. In April 2020, over 16 million new subscribers joined the streaming platform. The chart below shows Netflix’s revenue from 2011 to 2020 with a … Read more →

Least Known Facts about the Types of Atomic Spectroscopy

Refers to several analytic techniques used to determine the elemental composition of a sample by observing its mass or electromagnetic spectrum. The sample can be either liquid, solid, or gas. The different variations include absorption, fluorescence, emission, and mass spectroscopy. Determining the appropriate technique to be used requires an ultimate understanding of each.  Atomic Spectroscopy … Read more →

Cloud Computing: All You Need to Know in 2021

Cloud computing is gaining popularity worldwide at a rapid pace. Consequently, every major company wants to get onboard. Since Cloud Computing is becoming increasingly popular, its demand is also increasing. To make sure the layman understands what the Cloud is in this article we have tried to define in the simplest terms what cloud computing … Read more →

6 Tips for Remote Working

Remote working is a very popular choice among professionals, as it allows individuals to have more freedom regarding their working environment, and fit a healthy work-life balance into their schedule. Not only that, but offering the potential for remote working means businesses may save a lot of money and resources by avoiding having to pay … Read more →

4 Things You Should Know Before Buying Hearing Aids

Your first time buying hearing aids can be quite traumatic. That’s because you are new to the technology and may not understand all the intricacies of hearing aids. Maybe you’re not even convinced you need hearing aids, but your better half is pushing your buttons hard and you are arguing more than usual. Many of … Read more →