Google’s Phone, Nexus One, Doesn’t Sell As Expected

The expectations for Google’s phone, Nexus One, was quite high when it was first announced. Try to google “nexus one iphone killer” and you get about one million results. Yeah, lots of people thought Nexus One would be the iPhone killer. iPhone killers are not new though, every few months a new iPhone killer appears … Read more β†’

Google Street View – More Funny Pictures (Part 1 of 2)

My post from a month ago, Funny Pictures: Google Street View Launched in Denmark, keeps topping the “popular posts”-chart here on the blog. I guess people like to look at funny Google Street View pictures, and that’s understandable, because there are some very funny and whacky moments out there πŸ™‚ I’ve been gathering some more … Read more β†’

Steve Ballmer Compliments Apple On The iPhone !!!

This is almost breaking news, because when Apple announced the iPhone, Steve Ballmer laughed at it. Now, a different choice of words are coming out of Steve Ballmer’s mouth, about the iPhone, when he said at a speech at the University of Washington: “Apple’s done a very nice job that allows people to monetize and … Read more β†’

Gmail Tip: Trick Gmail Into Checking Your POP3 Accounts Often

I recently moved away from MobileMe as my primary Inbox, to which I had a few other e-mail accounts forward e-mail to. I was happy with MobileMe as my e-mail provider, except for the fact that some e-mails never arrived, not even in my spam/junk folder. I investigated and found out that the sending SMTP … Read more β†’

Google To Be Investigated By The European Union

The European Commission has received three complaints over Google and now intend to start an investigation. The three complaints are from Foundem, a UK-based “price compare”-portal, French legaladvice search engine and german Ciao, a company below Microsoft. Foundem believes that Google’s search algorithms place Foundem’s pages worse in Google, because Foundem is a competing … Read more β†’

YouTube Parts With Internet Explorer 6

Google means business and soon end support for old browsers on YouTube, despite millions of users still surfing the ‘net with Internet Explorer 6 or other outdated browsers. Back in 2009, Google announced how they intend to end support for old browsers because it slows down evolution (is that even the right word to use … Read more β†’

Is Flash A Goner In The Future? What Will Happen?

Google just finished taking over On2 Technologies and their video format, VP8,Β  so Free Software Foundation (FSF) sent an open-letter to Google where they encourage Google to release VP8 as an open-source format and also use it themselves on YouTube. By doing that, Google will “free” the world from patented and proprietary formats such as … Read more β†’

Google May Earn $500,000,000 On Typosquatting – Yearly!

A new report done by two Harvard scientists reveals that Google may earn up to 500 million dollars a year because of typosquatting. Typosquatting is what they call it when somebody on purpose registers a domain that looks a lot like something else, like (notice the misspelling). So if you go to because … Read more β†’

Google Goes Social With Buzz. GooBook? Gwitter?

Google Buzz is fresh out of Mountain View, California, where Google announced this new service just yesterday. Google Buzz combines Gmail with status updates and the ability to share links, pictures and videos with your friends. Buzz is available within Gmail (not for all users, yet), where you can see a feed of what your … Read more β†’

Google Adds Multitouch To Nexus One

Google last week shipped an update to users of their $174.15 phone, Nexus One. The biggest new feature is probably support for multitouch in Maps, Browser and Gallery. Google claims that units that ships with Android 2.1 are now so powerful that they are able to handle multi-touch and lots of users have wished for … Read more β†’

Google’s Nexus One Doesn’t Sell

The “usual way” of selling mobile phones in the US is through the ntwork providers along with a contract of up to 2 years. Google went in a completely other direction when selling their Nexus One phone online at instead of using the network providers to sell it. Flurry Analytics estimates a total sale … Read more β†’