When Will Mobile Game Design Grow Up?

It’s time for smartphones and tablets to realize their potential There’s nothing wrong with casual gaming; everyone can get behind throwing fowl at a building full of smirking pigs. But with the leaps and bounds in mobile technology, there’s a vast frontier available to mobile designers, that has remained largely untouched. Will mobile games ever … Read more →

New Technologies that Help Track Energy Usage

New technologies have been making energy tracking easier than ever. Most homeowners worry about having the most efficient light bulbs, but there are plenty of other technologies that can save money at home. Computers are cheaper and smarter than ever. Appliances are now being installed with wireless communication and processing. Outlets can have brains. There … Read more →

What Does the Tech-Home Look Like?

A lot of people have heard the term “tech-home” at one point or another, especially within the recent past. Technology has a massive impact on practically every area of our lives today, and there’s no turning back at this point. As a result, homes are becoming more technologically advanced as the days go by, and … Read more →

The Pros and Cons of “BYOD”

For both multi-national conglomerates and corporations, the idea of BYOD, or [tp lang=”en” only=”y”]Bring Your Own Device[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]Bring Your Own Device[/tp], isn’t groundbreaking or even relatively new. They’ve been allowing their employees to utilize their own smartphones and tablets to keep in step with the company and keep in touch with their loved ones. For small … Read more →

Let Technology Work in Your Favor

SEO, in itself is a two part job – there’s on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Additionally, on-page SEO has two main parts to it as well: (1) the keyword-focused part, and (2) the technical part. Getting the keywords for your site right is a whole different story, and some people even believe that this is … Read more →

How to be Thrifty Even if you are a Gadget Freak

Nowadays, technology develops very fast to such a degree that the technologically-superior gadgets and equipments that we have right now are going to be obsolete within the next 3 years.  Take for instance mobile phones.  Just a decade ago, mobile phone companies were trying to do their best to crunch their system into a smaller … Read more →

You Don’t Need Business Cards When You Have These iPhone Apps

It is no doubt true that business cards are one of the most important items used in today’s date. These can help in swapping the contact details of different persons. Business cards have been in use since a long time, and these are mostly used for professional purposes. These cards largely help in the purpose … Read more →

The power of a green screen (TV shows)

Hopefully you’re already not trusting what you see on TV, or anywhere else that’s digital, for that matter, because it’s so easy to “photoshop” it to look completely different. For example, take a look at this reel from Stargate Studios. It features some scenes from “24” that I could recognize, and also Monk I believe, … Read more →