SEO Was Yesterday – Now Comes NFO (Facebook)

SEO, Search Engine Optmization, is what bloggers (and companies) do, to get as high a rank in the search engines as possible. Something you should always aim to do if you’re interested in search engine traffic finding their way to your site. Now there’s a new concept on its way: News Feed Optimization (NFO). Recent … Read more →

Yaro Starak’s Membership Site Mastermind Course NOW OPEN!

The coaching course by Yaro Starak that will teach you how to launch and make money on membership sites is now open for new students. It’s a short open though, only from Tuesday October 27th 9am EST to Friday October 30th at midnight EST. Yaro also put up some extra bonuses if you join the … Read more →

Thesis 1.6 Has Arrived – SEO Optimized WordPress Theme

I’m using the Thesis theme for my WordPress blogs since August 31st on and since the beginning of too. It’s a great search engine optimized theme with lots of features. Some of the major changes in 1.6 compared to 1.5 are: Design and color options built-in to the theme settings. Automatic dropdown navigation … Read more →

Mozilla Raindrop – An Alternative To Google Wave?

Google Wave has been getting a lot of buzz in the world of tech lately, as more and more people are getting invitations and access to join Google Wave and try out the preview version. Mozilla, the team behind applications such as Firefox and Thunderbird, now introduced their “alternative” to Google Wave. It’s called Raindrop. … Read more →

Top 50 Reasons To Hate The Internet

Come on, admit it, you hate the Internet, don’t you? Nah, you probably don’t. But if you did, I bet those 50 reasons published by Telegraph UK will fit very well. Here’s their top 5 reasons: 1) ‘Worse than the Nazis’ As an [online] discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or … Read more →

How Daniel Scocco Launched A $10,000 A Month Membership Site

Yaro Starak’s Membership Site Mastermind program opens on Tuesday October 27th. This is the final post in my “warm up series” to that program. If you haven’t read the other posts yet, here they are: Learn How To Launch & Make An Income From Membership Sites How To Find Out What Your Members Want Before … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: Microsoft App Lab & Apple On Windows 7’s Broken Promises

I think it’s safe to say that we’re in a “Microsoft week” this week, with the release of Windows 7 and the Windows 7 Whopper, Bing getting Twitter and Facebook search indexing access and probably a whole lot more that I didn’t pay attention to since I’m more to the other side of the force … Read more →

Google & Bing In Twitter Search Battle

Microsoft announced having agreed a deal with Twitter on providing real-time searches in Bing from Twitter. A few hours later, Google announced pretty much the same deal. Using Bing or Google, users should be able to search in Twitter messages, even just a few moments after they have been “tweeted”. Microsoft already has a test … Read more →

Summary: Apple Q4 2009 Quarterly Financial Statement

Apple once again delivered a great quarterly result by breaking their own record, again. The turnover for Q3 2009 was 9.87 billion dollars with a profit of 1.67 billion dollars. An increase in turnover of almost 2 billion dollars from 7.9 billion dollars compared to the same period last time. Profit increased by 410 million … Read more →

Why “Comment Reply Notification” Is A Must Have Plugin For Your Blog – Otherwise…

… you could be missing out on some sweet commenting action! Allow me to explain: When it comes to WordPress, there’s usually three kinds of bloggers (more or less): Those with a pretty standard WordPress installation and no “subscribe to comments”-plugin whatsoever. Those with some 3rd party comment-system like Disqus or similar, that handles it … Read more →

Membership Site: How Yaro Made $211,969 While Traveling Around The World

Disclaimer: This is not a “get rich quick”-scheme on how you can make $211,969. This is a video on how Yaro Starak managed to earn $211,969 while traveling around the world. It’s an inspiring video to watch even if you don’t want to spend the full 14 minutes watching it, at least check out the … Read more →

150 Companies Accounts For Half Of All Internet Traffic, Says 256 Exabytes

The company Arbor Networks, in cooperation with University of Michigan, has created a report called “2009 Internet Observatory Report“. In the report, they conclude that after having studied over 256 exabytes worth of traffic (I’ll explain how much that is, in just a bit…), that half of that traffic comes from just 150 companies. Just … Read more →

Google’s Market Share Increases More Than Bing’s

The latest study from ComCast into the US search engine market shows that Bing only saw a 0.1% increase from 9.3% to 9.4% from August to September, while Google increased by 0.3% to 69.9%. It’s mostly Yahoo taking the biggest hit on the risings from Bing and Google as they saw a decrease of 0.5% … Read more →