Wrap-up: Apple’s Record Earnings Q3 Fiscal Results 2010

Last night (for Europeans), Apple posted its Q3 earnings for fiscal year 2010. And, I know this might sound as an old record going in loop, but Apple once again beat its own records with an amazing $15.7 billion in revenue and a profit of $3.35 billion. Apple was already the second most valuable company … Read more →

How To: iPhone & iPad Casino Games Outside App Store With Real Money

Let’s face it. Apple has a rather strict policy about what kind of apps to let into their App Store. Apps that makes farting sounds are okay, but apps that let you enjoy – and spend/win a few bucks – playing casino games, are not okay. One gambling app has made it through to the … Read more →

The Best iOS 4 Apps Available Now

The iPhone OS 4 (iOS 4) was released June 21st, giving way to 1,500 new APIs for consumers around the world, meaning a whole wealth of different applications have been entered into the store recently. Additionally, a whole wealth of updates have come to the many different applications that are already present in the store, … Read more →

Steve Jobs Responds To iPhone 4 Antenna Issues: “Just don’t hold it that way”

Bad Apple. Very bad Apple!! It’s one thing to actually have antenna issues with new iPhone 4, and we’re not even sure yet it’s an issue with all of the phones – a quick poll by Engadget shows that over half of the replies are having issues with reception bars dropping (but about 1/3 of … Read more →

iPhone 4 Cell Reception Suffers When Touching Its Stainless Steel Band (UPDATE: Or Software Issue?)

Scroll down for updates to this article. A video on YouTube is showing what some of us feared – that the cell reception suffers when you touch the stainless steel band that surrounds the iPhone, holding the two pieces of glas (front and back) together while also acting as antennas. There’s not much news about … Read more →

Betfair – First iPhone ‘Gambling’ App in App Store

Betfair recently announced that their app had been accepted by Apple into App Store. Before you start to cheer, you should know that the app is only available in the UK and you can’t just create a UK iTunes Store account and download it, because Betfair uses the built-in iPhone GPS to determine that you’re … Read more →

Steve Jobs: Apple Could Reconsider Flash, But…

Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) spoke at the D8 conference a few days ago where he’s quoted to be saying: “Some things are good in a product, some things are bad. If the market tells us we’re making bad choices, we’ll make changes. We’re just trying to make great products.” “We just made a technical decision. … Read more →

Must-Have iPhone Applications in the UK

In just a few short years the iPhone has completely changed the way that people look at mobile phones. Apple’s smartphone introduced the world to the idea of downloadable applications which meant that phones were no longer home to static content, but could be updated with new software and features from third party developers at … Read more →