Considerations before hiring a SEO consultant to optimize your website

Not everybody is aware of the importance of ranking well in the search engines, Google, Bing etc., but the more online experience you get the more you’ll start to become aware that the reason you’re not getting much traffic to your website is because people are not finding it due to low search engine rankings. … Read more →

Simple Methods of Link Building for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been used mostly for developing better links. Having a large number of links means having a large number of people for getting in to the site as well as also increasing popularity of that web site. This process is somewhere related to the success of that business as it offers … Read more →

Top 3 Search Engine Optimization Tips for Beginners

If you’re a newborn webmaster/blogger or you don’t have much clue about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) yet, this is for you. However, if you’re already experienced in that field, this article will not learn you anything new. But since so many new website owners enters the Internet each day, it’s important to continue to educate … Read more →

10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Affiliate Marketers

WordPress has garnered much love from the blog community for its ease of installation, ease of configuration, and ease of modification. Many sites are even starting to use it as a content-management system (CMS) to drive the entire site, not just the blog or news portions. The power of WordPress really shines when you begin … Read more →

Google To Be Investigated By The European Union

The European Commission has received three complaints over Google and now intend to start an investigation. The three complaints are from Foundem, a UK-based “price compare”-portal, French legaladvice search engine and german Ciao, a company below Microsoft. Foundem believes that Google’s search algorithms place Foundem’s pages worse in Google, because Foundem is a competing … Read more →

Matt Cutts On How PageRank Flows From Twitter & Facebook

A new webmaster video has been released from Matt Cutts, where he talks about how Google see links from Twitter and Facebook coming to your site and how the PageRank flows from these sites as well. If you’re a webmaster or a blogger, it might be a good idea to follow @googlewmc on Twitter to … Read more →

SEO Was Yesterday – Now Comes NFO (Facebook)

SEO, Search Engine Optmization, is what bloggers (and companies) do, to get as high a rank in the search engines as possible. Something you should always aim to do if you’re interested in search engine traffic finding their way to your site. Now there’s a new concept on its way: News Feed Optimization (NFO). Recent … Read more →

Thesis 1.6 Has Arrived – SEO Optimized WordPress Theme

I’m using the Thesis theme for my WordPress blogs since August 31st on and since the beginning of too. It’s a great search engine optimized theme with lots of features. Some of the major changes in 1.6 compared to 1.5 are: Design and color options built-in to the theme settings. Automatic dropdown navigation … Read more →

Why “Comment Reply Notification” Is A Must Have Plugin For Your Blog – Otherwise…

… you could be missing out on some sweet commenting action! Allow me to explain: When it comes to WordPress, there’s usually three kinds of bloggers (more or less): Those with a pretty standard WordPress installation and no “subscribe to comments”-plugin whatsoever. Those with some 3rd party comment-system like Disqus or similar, that handles it … Read more →

WordPress Plugin: What Would Seth Godin Do (WWSGD) – “If You’re New Here…”

I’ve received quite a few questions already from my great readers, asking me how I get that message to appear at the bottom of my posts that (per default) says: “If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!”. I changed mine a bit, so that it … Read more →

The Importance Of Keywords In Your Domain Name For SEO?

I often wonder exactly how important it is to have keywords in your domain name, so I would like to hear your thoughts on this. But first, let’s break down what we’re dealing with here, cause mostly you hear about keywords in the URL. An URL usually consists of two things, the domain name and … Read more →

FeedBurner Changes Redirect Method to ‘301’ – Better SEO For Your Blog

I was going to create a post on how you could get better Search Engine Optimization for your blog using FeedBurner links, especially if you have a habit of commenting on blogs with CommentLuv that pulls your FeedBurner RSS feed to get your latest blog post(s), but FeedBurner made a change that would render my … Read more →

Matt Cutts: “Google Crawls According To PageRank”. A Must See Video For Bloggers

Matt Cutts is often looked at as the “face of Google” among bloggers and search engine optimization people. Matt often posts information, tips, videos etc. with information about Google and other related stuff that can help bloggers and webmasters optimize their site for better ranking and readership. He joined Google as a software engineer in … Read more →