Tips and Tricks for the Diehard Spotify User

If you’re in the majority of Internet users out there, then you probably have a Facebook account by now. And if you’re in the majority of Facebook users, then you have probably linked your Facebook with the free music sharing program called Spotify. What Is Spotify? Spotify is an unlimited music streaming service that lets … Read more →

WooThemes Plugins for easy theme customization

Though there are many plugins to make the woothemes customization easier these below mentioned list of plugin is totally dedicated and created for woothemes that will perform better than other plugins. WooThemes Framework Identifier This little plugin will display the current version of woothemes framework in dashboard widget and notify you if any new updates … Read more → Revolutionizes Q&A with the ‘PollRoll’ App recently launched its flagship app called “PollRoll,” a mobile Q&A app that mixes polls and social networking.  The Q&A-focused search engine introduced this mobile app during the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas. Creators of the PollRoll took inspiration from its Q&A community. According to, since its users were already leveraging its services as … Read more →

A Rookie Blogger? Factors to Consider Before Deciding on a Hosting Provider

A blog can generate traffic for your business website or it may itself act as an interactive website. You can pursue a hobby using a blog or use it to sell an e-book, antique collections or anything else. If you have recognized your purpose of having a blog, the next big challenge is to choose … Read more →

The Top Five Cost Effective Home Security Items for Your Home

Every day homeowners must face threats to home security. There are natural hazards such as earthquakes or flooding; but what threat is most likely? Burglary. With robberies occurring in some areas as fast as every fifteen seconds, odds are high that you could be affected by this unfortunate trend. To avoid being a burglary statistic, … Read more →

What Level of Measure Should Parents Put into Online Security?

There have been many questions about how importantly parents should take the security of their kids’ when they are on the internet. Many have debated that monitoring your kids and having to suggest to them what to do online is completely unrealistic, but we cannot disregard the fact that un-guarded use of the internet also … Read more →

How to Start an Internet Marketing Business

Starting your own Internet marketing business can be exciting and lucrative. With an Internet business, you can work from anywhere you want as long as you have a computer and an Internet connection. There are some steps to follow when starting an Internet business. By following proven Internet marketing start-up tips you can get your … Read more →

Locate Free Wi-Fi With Free Zone Wi-Fi Android App

With the advent in technology, Wireless internet is on a roll these days. Whether it be a school, college, or a cafe, all these places are well equipped with Wi-Fi networks. So why not locate free Wi-Fi and use them to save our 3G internet bills. Isn’t that a cool idea. Here’s an Android app which will help … Read more →

Top 5 Free Business Card App

The world keeps on evolving and the process can be attributed to the advancement of technology. Smart devices have simplified how people access information and organize their lives in general. Business card Apps are amongst the latest list of applications which have been created to enable smart phone users to simplify the storage and organization … Read more →

The Nokia Lumia 900 squares up to its predecessor, the Lumia 800

There is nothing like an upgrade to allow smartphone users to consider how far their favourite manufacturer has come along. The Nokia Lumia 800 was a definite watershed for Nokia. Its first Windows Phone device, representing a shedding of its in-house Symbian technology, the device combined a good build and design with an impressive operating … Read more →