Charlie Miller: Snow Leopard Easier To Hack Than Windows 7

Apple fanbois, you better buckle up, cause when the anti-Apple crew gets a hold of this little titbit from Charlie Miller, they might mock your choice of being a Mac user just a little bit. Italian IT Security site, oneITsecurity, published an interview with Charlie Miller, two-year contest champion at Pwn2Own where the deal is … Read more →

Internet Explorer Turns Your PC Into A Public File Server

In the beginning of February, the Black Hat Technical Security Conference is held in the US, where Jorge Luis Alvarez Medina will be speaking on a topic that might interest you, it will certainly interest Microsoft. The topic is “Internet Explorer turns your personal computer into a public file server”. In this presentation we will … Read more →

France Joins Germany In I.E. Warning – Opera Downloads Increases

BBC News reports that France has now joined Germany in their warning against web users browsing with Internet Explorer and also recommends users to find an alternative Internet browser until Microsoft has issued a patch to fix the security hole in the three Internet Explorer browsers. While a switch to an alternative browser, such as … Read more →

Germany Warns Against MS Internet Explorer

After Microsoft admitted it’s Internet Explorer was the weak link in the recent attack on Google’s systems, Germany has responded by warning web users to use an alternative browser than Internet Explorer. Even though spokesman Thomas Baumsgaertner, Microsoft Germany, said that the attacks were by “highly motivated people with a very specific agenda” and that … Read more →

New Trojan Horse Could Take Your Internet Connection Hostage

The antivirus experts at CA have stumbled upon a new trojan horse in the “ransomware” category. That’s the category for software that will demand a ransom, as the name implies. This Russian trojan horse appears to be a download manager called “uFast Download Manager”. Once you launch it, a message will inform you that you’ve … Read more →

Computer Security Is More Than Just Spyware & Viruses – It’s You!

Computer security, in basic terms means keeping your computer, and the data that is in it, safe and secure. More of our personal data is stored in or accessed from our computer, now more than ever before. Yet most people lack even the basic understanding of how to keep their computers safe and secure. By … Read more →

Are Computer Viruses Spread By The Media?

If you believe what you hear in the media, there are an awful lot of viruses going around. No, I’m not talking about the make-you-sick kind of virus, though they get plenty of airtime too, especially the swine flu. I’m talking about the kind of virus that enters via your Internet connection rather than your … Read more →

One Hundred Bad Guys From A Phishing Gang Indicted

Softpedia reports FBI announced that 33 bad guys were arrested in the connection with an international phishing gang that operated out of U.S. (California, Nevada and North Carolina) and Egypt. So far 53 individuals have been charged but the number is expected to rise to 100 in the coming days, as Egypt authorities have identified … Read more →

A Child Can Crack Your Password – Change It Now!

If you can count to 10, you can crack most passwords. That seems to be the case by looking at most of the thousands of leaked Windows Live ID passwords last week – they very often are just simple number combinations such as “123456”, birth dates or names. Passwords that can easily be found out … Read more →

Over 10,000 Hotmail User Logins Leaked On Pastebin

A list of over 10,000 usernames and passwords for Microsoft Live ID was leaked October 1st on the web site which is a tool for collaborative debugging and editing, usually for developers to paste code snippets etc. to share with others. The list was later removed but is said to include usernames starting with … Read more →

TDC Warns Against Phishing

scam_truckFormer telecom monopoly in Denmark, TDC, says in its latest press release that phishing e-mails are increasing.

A phishing-mail is an e-mail with the sole purpose of trying to fish personal information from you, like username and password to an e-mail account, bank account, etc. It might also cut straight to the point and try to lure your credit card details by convincing you to enter them on a site, or something “bad” might happen to your e-mail account or stuff like that.

The spamfilter at TDC catches between 300 and 500 million e-mails every month, but it also catches phishing-mails. It’s said that 1 out of 300 e-mails sent on the Internet is a phishing mail. Studies show that users are more inclined to react (get caught) on a phishing-mail rather than ordinary spam. That explains why we are seeing more and more phishing e-mails.

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