G.A.S.P.: WordPress anti-spam plugin. Good idea, but does it deliver?

G.A.S.P. , GrowMap Anti-Spambot Plugin, is a WordPress plugin that takes a different approach to spam filtering than Akismet does, which is the anti-spam plugin used by most WordPress bloggers. Instead of analyzing the content of each comment as well as having a giant database with information about which URL’s, IP’s etc. to mark as … Read more →

EU’s Cookie Law still being chewed on – might end up requiring users to “opt-in” for browser cookies…

A year ago we wrote about a new European Union cookie law which would require user consent before placing cookies on a computer. A month later we wrote how the cookie law crumbled as it wasn’t carried into effect yet because of issues with the original wording of the Act. In this case, a cookie … Read more →

Get Safe Online – How To Identify If You’re At Risk Online!

Problem: Suspect e-mails and attachments Most people are aware of the dangers of opening e-mail attachments from unknown senders; a security risk that received a lot of press when e-mailing became ever more essential to our day to day lives. Opening an e-mail attachment sometimes involves running executable code that could be used to install … Read more →

Ever Felt Like Smashing Your Company Servers? This Is The Next Best Thing!

For all of us that work for large companies, I think it’s a forbidden fantasy that we’ve all had: Walking into the server room, and knocking over all the servers just to see what would happen. That was certainly the case last month, when a man walked into the server room of a home loans … Read more →

Cameron Diaz – The Most Dangerous Celebrity Search Query

One year ago, Jessica Biel was the most dangerous celebrity online. Now, it’s Cameron Diaz. What’s making celebs so dangerous? Viruses! Celebrities are very popular decoys for the bad guys to lure non-tech-savvy people into virus-spreading websites. According to McAfee, Cameron Diaz is currently the most dangerous, because if you search for her, there’s a … Read more →

AT&T Leak Shows Concern for Their Internal Security Processes

In the past, users connected to the Internet through a broadband connection. But with the advent of personal, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets like the iPhone and iPad, we have new security concerns—especially with the wireless operators who serve these devices. Take the recent reports about AT&T’s leak of over 100,000 personal email … Read more →

Jailbreak Legal & Ready for iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

JailbreakMe 2.0 has just been released and allows you to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch straight from the built-in Safari browser. No need to download any software or anything. All you have to do is visit www.jailbreakme.com from your iDevice (or alternatively, www.jailbreakme.modmyi.com). Before you go ahead with the jailbreak, make sure to … Read more →

70,000 Blogs Mysteriously Disappears From The Internet

70,000 blogs suddenly disappeared from the Internet on July 9th when hosting company BurstNet, without warning, decided to pull the plug on the popular blogging platform Blogetery.com. For some reason, BurstNet didn’t provide an official statement until now and apparently FBI contacted BurstNet saying that they found Al-Qaeda related material on Blogetery.com, such as how … Read more →

“I Can Stalk U” – Raising Awareness About Inadvertent Information Sharing

As if PleaseRobMe.com wasn’t enough, icanstalku.com has also launched a website to take advantage of the geo location information that people inadvertently shares online, mainly focusing on Twitter tweets. icanstalku.com presents a twitter feed on their front page with the title “What are people really saying in their tweets?” – instead of showing the actual … Read more →

Chinese Hackers Obtained Google’s Password System

According to New York Times, the Chinese Hackers you might have read about, is said to have obtained access to one of the more important parts of Google – their password system which controls access for million of users, to all Google’s services, including Gmail and Google Apps. The system is called “Gaia” and has … Read more →

iPhone Hacked In 20 Seconds – Text Messages Exposed

Vincenzo Iozzo and Ralf-Philipp Weinmann spent 20 seconds yesterday on the first day of Pwn2Own “hacker” conference in Canada, to hack an iPhone and steal all the text messages (SMS) in the phone, including sent, received and even deleted messages. They also said it was possible to get your contacts, e-mails and pictures, using the … Read more →