Top 4 Self-Storage Security Tips

More and more people are turning to self-storage facilities to fulfill their storage needs. These places provide the necessary space, convenience, and most importantly, security needed to assure people that their belongings are safe and sound. But what exactly are these facilities doing to make sure that people’s belongings are actually safe? Listed below are … Read more →

4 Reasons to Use Commercial Antivirus over Free Antivirus

Antivirus vendors today faced a very tight competition when there are more than 20 well-known vendors out there competing with each other. Each of them produced a very quality product where at times, it gives the consumer a big headache when it comes to selection. Situation got worse when most of the antivirus vendors start … Read more →

4 Computer Security Threats that May Challenge Your Business

Money might not be the major problem you business is facing right now. You probably are wondering why you keep on spending so much without even having attractive gains in your business? There are several factors that will challenge your business, but I don’t think there is anyone of them that is going to be … Read more →

IT Security Consultants In Modern Business Environment

The role that information technology plays in the world today cannot be overstressed.  Perhaps the biggest testimony to the importance of IT is the fact that it has become a part of the National Curriculum, with laptops being regularly used in schools throughout the UK.  However, the biggest area to be affected by the emergence … Read more →

Choosing the right antivirus software for your PC

Internet has revolutionized the world and so our life style. We cannot deny its countless blessings, which has made our life easy and convenient with floods of information and services at just one click. But with the expansion and progress in this area, our computers are more expose to the evil of viruses, which are … Read more →

The Importance of Security Software for Computers

Security is an important issue with computers these days because of the overabundance of virus and malwares that threatens not only the operating system, but also your files.  Viruses and malwares are practically being released on a daily basis that you would want an excellent antivirus program to protect your computer.  However, choosing an antivirus … Read more →

How Google protects your data in the cloud [video]

Not long ago, Amazon’s cloud computing had a breakdown over several days and Sony lost millions of customer details to hackers and had to shut down their Playstation Network for about a month while they patched things up, as you probably already know. While this video by Google is produced before the Amazon and Sony … Read more →

Kaspersky compares Android security with Windows

Increasing security threats and issues on the mobile operating system, Android, has Kaspersky comparing Android with Windows in their recent “IT Threat Evolution for Q1-2011“: Overall, the situation with the Android OS is becoming similar to the current situation with Windows: There is a plethora of Android devices with outdated software which includes various unpatched … Read more →

Don’t Get Fooled by Rogueware

Anyone who is familiar with using a computer knows that viruses, spyware and malwares are dangerous.  There are many possible things that can or will happen if their computer gets infected. Some of the probable outcomes will be that they will likely lose a lot of files, their programs won’t run, their computer won’t start … Read more →

Techniques in Detecting Spy Gadgets – Guidelines in Locating Surveillance Devices

The most popular misconception concerning detecting surveillance devices is the fact that you require some sort of enchanting bug detection gadget to do the job for you personally. Actually, the best technique for finding discreetly concealed spy gadgets would be to perform a up close investigation of absolutely anything in the prospective room Spy Gadgets … Read more →

Top 50 passwords you shouldn’t use – and learn how to create a strong password!

As you probably already know, Gawker media was compromised not long ago and  passwords belonging to their users went out on the Internet. Gawker media is behind several sites with Gizmodo probably being the most popular one, at least in the tech-world, I imagine. Based on the 188.279 passwords leaked, Graham Cluley from Sophos made … Read more →