Facebook For iPhone Updated To 3.1 With Push Notifications

One of the most popular applications for iPhone and iPod Touch, Facebook, has just been updated to version 3.1 and now includes the long awaited Push Notifications. Receiving the push notifications on your iPhone does not necessarily require that you have “Push” enabled, as this usually drains your battery rather quick. I have mine set … Read more →

Facebook: Top Status Trends 2009

Each year, Google announce the most popular searches throughout the year and now Facebook wants to get a piece of that pie. Facebook looks through words posted in status updates from users in the USA, to determine “words of the year”. 1st place: Various Facebook applications, where words such as “MafiaWars” and “FarmVille” are found … Read more →

How To Make Me UnFollow You On Twitter

When I decide who to follow on Twitter, it’s usually a mix of some of the following parameters: Their ratio of following/followers Their amount of followers The language they tweet in What they tweet about (topics) How often they tweet How many RT’s How many useless quotes from “famous people” And then I also look … Read more →

Four Reasons Why I <3 Twittley

Twittley is a Digg-like Twitter community where users can “vote” on articles by tweeting them. The more tweets doesn’t necessarily mean a post will be made popular. It depends on the weight of those voting (tweeting) them. On the frontpage of Twittley you will find their Popular section, showing what articles are popular right now. … Read more →

Facebook Coming To A PlayStation 3 Near You

Sony just confirmed that Facebook is coming for the PlayStation 3, after several pictures revealed the social network on a PS3 a few days ago. Facebook and Twitter is already scheduled to be released for Xbox 360 in a software update November 17th. There’s still no news about when Facebook for PlayStation 3 will be … Read more →

Twittley – A Digg-Like Twitter Community (Button Shuffle Colors)

Twittley is Twitter tool that allows your blog/website visitors to easily tweet your posts to their Twitter feed, just like Tweetmeme does it. Twittley however, also offers Digg-like features on the Twittley website. Just like you can vote on articles on Digg, by digging them, you can vote on articles on Twittley by tweeting them. … Read more →

SEO Was Yesterday – Now Comes NFO (Facebook)

SEO, Search Engine Optmization, is what bloggers (and companies) do, to get as high a rank in the search engines as possible. Something you should always aim to do if you’re interested in search engine traffic finding their way to your site. Now there’s a new concept on its way: News Feed Optimization (NFO). Recent … Read more →

Mozilla Raindrop – An Alternative To Google Wave?

Google Wave has been getting a lot of buzz in the world of tech lately, as more and more people are getting invitations and access to join Google Wave and try out the preview version. Mozilla, the team behind applications such as Firefox and Thunderbird, now introduced their “alternative” to Google Wave. It’s called Raindrop. … Read more →

Google & Bing In Twitter Search Battle

Microsoft announced having agreed a deal with Twitter on providing real-time searches in Bing from Twitter. A few hours later, Google announced pretty much the same deal. Using Bing or Google, users should be able to search in Twitter messages, even just a few moments after they have been “tweeted”. Microsoft already has a test … Read more →

Depressed? Use Social Media And Be Saved. Seriously!

Despite the title may sound a bit “yeah, right”-like, this is actually some serious stuff. Scientists from Victoria University in New Zealand have developed an application that is said to be able to “trigger” if it spots certain tendencies with users at social media sites such as Facebook or MySpace, suggesting that the users could … Read more →

Woman Arrested For Virtual Poke On Facebook

Have you ever poked somebody on Facebook only to have them poke back at you and you then poked again and they did the same to you and before you knew it, you were inside an endless loop? Facebook poking is perhaps the most simple way of “communication” within Facebook, even though it’s nothing else … Read more →

Do You Want To Pay For Using Twitter On Your Mobile?

Twitter investor Joi Ito believes that Twitter creates so much extra traffic for network providers that somebody should pay for the usage of Twitter on mobile phones. “When Twitter grows, SMS usage goes up. Sites are now able to promote across friends’ [Twitter] networks; traffic to certain kinds of sites increases. There’s a lot of … Read more →