Facebook: Bigger Photos For Better Viewing

Ever since I started using Facebook, I’ve wondered why our uploaded photos always showed in such a low resolution, without the possiblity of enlarging them. Now, Facebook has begun increasing upload size for photos from the previous 604 pixels maximum size, to 720 pixels, an increase of almost 20%. I think 720 pixels is still … Read more →

Debt Consolidation [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. “Debt” is a term used when you owe something, but it doesn’t have to be money. Having a debt can also be a … Read more →

Google Street View – More Funny Pictures (Part 1 of 2)

My post from a month ago, Funny Pictures: Google Street View Launched in Denmark, keeps topping the “popular posts”-chart here on the blog. I guess people like to look at funny Google Street View pictures, and that’s understandable, because there are some very funny and whacky moments out there 🙂 I’ve been gathering some more … Read more →

Steve Ballmer Compliments Apple On The iPhone !!!

This is almost breaking news, because when Apple announced the iPhone, Steve Ballmer laughed at it. Now, a different choice of words are coming out of Steve Ballmer’s mouth, about the iPhone, when he said at a speech at the University of Washington: “Apple’s done a very nice job that allows people to monetize and … Read more →

Apple – The World’s Most Admired Company

Each year, Fortune (the magazine), elects the world’s most admired companies. For the third year in a row, Apple is the winner. This year, Apple even increased it’s distance down to 2nd place, Google, and 3rd place, Berkshire Hathaway (investment firm). A total of 4,200 executives and analysts voted in Fortune’s study. As BMW CEO … Read more →

How To Blog Using WordPress [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. WordPress is one of the most-used and best platforms for blogging. If not the best platform for the purpose. WordPress was started back … Read more →