Gmail Tip: Trick Gmail Into Checking Your POP3 Accounts Often

I recently moved away from MobileMe as my primary Inbox, to which I had a few other e-mail accounts forward e-mail to. I was happy with MobileMe as my e-mail provider, except for the fact that some e-mails never arrived, not even in my spam/junk folder. I investigated and found out that the sending SMTP … Read more →

Charlie Miller: Snow Leopard Easier To Hack Than Windows 7

Apple fanbois, you better buckle up, cause when the anti-Apple crew gets a hold of this little titbit from Charlie Miller, they might mock your choice of being a Mac user just a little bit. Italian IT Security site, oneITsecurity, published an interview with Charlie Miller, two-year contest champion at Pwn2Own where the deal is … Read more →

February 2010: Blog Summary & Income Report

February. Such a short month. Only 28 days. Never the less, these past 28 days were very interesting for TechPatio, as the table below will show you. Maybe it’s because of the winter or maybe is just growing?  Well, have a look at the table and then I’ll discuss a few of the numbers … Read more →

Bloody Sexual Twitter DM’s. Go Away!

The micro-blogging social network, Twitter, recently reached 50 million daily tweets, so it’s safe to say that Twitter is getting more and more popular as time goes by. Just like anything else popular, some people will try to exploit for. For Twitter, it’s often spammers. For instance, I follow many Twitter users because of TweetAdder … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: Steve Jobs’ Meanest Jokes About Microsoft

Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, turned 55 yesterday. Happy Birthday, Steve! I hope you didn’t get a Magic Mouse though 🙂 Because of Steve’s birthday this week, I want to dedicate this Friday Flick Find to him. Well, to his “jokes”, that is. I doubt we will see much of this in the future, unless Microsoft … Read more →

Apple Magic Mouse: Just Got It & I Hate It. Wanna Buy?

It took me long enough, but I finally got the Apple Magic Mouse. My precious. I was too slow to get my hands on one the first shipments that arrived here in Malta and the next shipment was delayed for several weeks because of bad weather conditions throughout Europe for the past month or so. … Read more →

“EgoTweeting” Review: An eBook On Ego- And Business Marketing Using Twitter

This is a brand new eBook, just released. Written by my good friend over at – and because I’m lucky enough to know him, I was allowed to read and review it, before it was released, which is why I’m very excited to finally be able to tell you about it, now that it’s … Read more →

Google To Be Investigated By The European Union

The European Commission has received three complaints over Google and now intend to start an investigation. The three complaints are from Foundem, a UK-based “price compare”-portal, French legaladvice search engine and german Ciao, a company below Microsoft. Foundem believes that Google’s search algorithms place Foundem’s pages worse in Google, because Foundem is a competing … Read more →

YouTube Parts With Internet Explorer 6

Google means business and soon end support for old browsers on YouTube, despite millions of users still surfing the ‘net with Internet Explorer 6 or other outdated browsers. Back in 2009, Google announced how they intend to end support for old browsers because it slows down evolution (is that even the right word to use … Read more →