The Future of Online News Content

The world of news has been in a turbulent place for a few years now, and it is undoubted that the boom of the Internet has been partly to blame. Despite the many advantages of worldwide connections from computer to computer for the newsgathering process, newspaper sales have been heavily in decline – resulting in many professionals losing their jobs in an already competitive environment.

However, the iPad has come into save the day, and now with apps such as The Daily (the new newspaper exclusively for the tablet device from Rupert Murdoch), media outlets are getting the confidence to explore this platform with more vigor. The only problem now is this: how can these new pieces of technology be monetized effectively?

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January 2011: Blog Summary & Income Report

2011 is the number of the year which means bye bye to 2010 and also bye bye to December. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year as well. There’s no way around it, you’re probably here to read the December … Read more →

Using Visual Similarity In Image Searching on Your Mac

Some amazing developments in Mac software continue to come from both research centers and private developers. We are well aware of applications like Spring Cleaning from Smith Micro Software. This software will perform a large variety of functions, such as finding archives, disk images, empty folders, font files, superfluous help files, music, podcast and even … Read more →

The Differences Between Toner Cartridge Options for Your Printer

Laser printers are mostly used for their speed and large printing capabilities.  Most large business printers are laser printers because the printer ink can be stored for longer periods of time in the laser toner cartridge and thus allowing huge printing projects to be done with one cartridge.  What makes toners stand out from their … Read more →

Off Page Search Engine Optimization

You can make use of other’s websites to promote and attract traffic towards yours. The category of SEO in which you tries to drive traffic from external websites is known as Off Page Search Engine Optimization. Here are a few commonly used Off Page SEO techniques. Social Networking Sites Social networking sites are a great … Read more →

Planned Obsolescence: How the Industry Causes Tech Gadget Addiction

We’ve all heard about how addicting our current technological gadgets can be. It’s not uncommon to run across at least one article in a major newspaper decrying the constant, obsessive use of our smart phones. We’ve heard the horror stories of accidents caused by texting while driving, and we’re also constantly reminded how screen addiction … Read more →

5 Tips To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

With the increasing trend in mobile platform, there are limitations of the website being displayed in the actual HTML format as designed for your web browsing over a PC or a laptop. These HTML formats could be made more amicable to make your website supportive and adapt efficiently to work well on the mobile platform. … Read more →

Sony Ericsson to launch PlaysStation app store

As you have probably read already, Sony Ericsson will soon come out with a PlayStation mobile phone based on Android and with dedicated PlayStation buttons. But in addition to the PlayStation phone, Sony Ericsson just announced a new app store which will be known as PlayStation Suite. To start with, you can download games for … Read more →

A Look At the Upcoming Android 3.0 Honeycomb Tablets

It’s no secret that many insiders have forecast that 2011 will be the year of the tablet. Where their opinions may differ, however, is in predicting which tablet will outperform the others in what is shaping up to be a highly competitive market. A panoply of manufacturers are set to release Android 3.0 Honeycomb devices … Read more →