Apple Showing Off HTML5

Apple created a new web page meant as a HTML5 showcase. It has seven HTML5 features, demonstrating their functions: Video Typography Photo gallery Transitions Audio 360º product view VR All of the demos have some kind of interactivity built-in so you get to manipulate with the result. Even though this web page is supposed to … Read more →

iPhone 4 Wrapup from WWDC ’10 San Francisco

Steve Jobs just left the WWDC ’10 stage in San Francisco after having showed us the new iPhone, iPhone 4, and iPhone OS 4 which has now been renamed to iOS 4. Most of the iPhone 4 things we already knew thanks to the whole “I lost my iPhone in a bar”-story. Some questions were … Read more →

10 Essential WordPress Plugins for Affiliate Marketers

WordPress has garnered much love from the blog community for its ease of installation, ease of configuration, and ease of modification. Many sites are even starting to use it as a content-management system (CMS) to drive the entire site, not just the blog or news portions. The power of WordPress really shines when you begin … Read more →

May 2010: Blog Summary & Income Report

Welcome to yet another edition of my monthly income & traffic reports. In these reports I try to show you what can be achieved by one person running a blog, in terms of visitors, pageviews and income from certain programs such as the widely popular Google AdSense but also MyLikes for Twitter, especially if you’ve … Read more →

Betfair – First iPhone ‘Gambling’ App in App Store

Betfair recently announced that their app had been accepted by Apple into App Store. Before you start to cheer, you should know that the app is only available in the UK and you can’t just create a UK iTunes Store account and download it, because Betfair uses the built-in iPhone GPS to determine that you’re … Read more →

Steve Jobs: Apple Could Reconsider Flash, But…

Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) spoke at the D8 conference a few days ago where he’s quoted to be saying: “Some things are good in a product, some things are bad. If the market tells us we’re making bad choices, we’ll make changes. We’re just trying to make great products.” “We just made a technical decision. … Read more →

Newzbin is Back – The Best Usenet Index Site

Two weeks ago, suddenly closed down completely, after having lost in court against MPAA. Today, is back online and on servers in Sweden – but as “Newzbin 2” and with new owners. Owners, who “hacked” Newzbin some time ago to get the source code. Behind Newzbin 2 is “Team R Dogs” and their … Read more →

Must-Have iPhone Applications in the UK

In just a few short years the iPhone has completely changed the way that people look at mobile phones. Apple’s smartphone introduced the world to the idea of downloadable applications which meant that phones were no longer home to static content, but could be updated with new software and features from third party developers at … Read more →

Old School Photo Challenge by Scott Kelby

Scott Kelby came up with this fantastic idea on how to increase your creativity by limiting yourself to “shooting old school” and helping out an orphanage in Kenya at the same time. Nowadays, most people are used to shooting digital with their cameras – and some of us, never even tried to shoot film on … Read more →

Mozy – Online Backup. Great, Except For Restoring iPhoto & Aperture 3

Dear Mozy, First let me say how thrilled I was when I first learned about you and your online backup services, I especially liked the part where I could get 2GB free and expand it with 0.5GB for each friend I referred – a great way to start out with your service. I also liked … Read more →