Apple Sells One Million iPads

Just yesterday, Apple sent out a press release saying that they have just sold its one millionth iPad on Friday – it took them 28 days to sell a million iPads, less than half of the 74 days it took to sell one million iPhones. The sales are expected to increase as the iPad is … Read more →

April 2010: Blog Summary & Income Report

This is going to be a short income report, as I don’t have much time to “evaluate” on the previous month, at this time. So I’m just going to give you the numbers and a little comment below the table. I hope all of you had a great April and if you’re blogger/webmaster, that you … Read more →

Apple Posts “Thoughts on Flash” – by Steve Jobs

Apple just posted an open letter called “Thoughts on Flash” and signed by Steve Jobs himself. The letter answers the “why not?” questions and covers six topics: Openness, the full web, security and performance, battery life, touch and drawbacks of relying on third-party development tools. You can read the full letter from the link above … Read more →

Special Usenet/Newshosting Offer – Discount For Life & Unlimited Downloads

Usenet is a very fast and secure way of downloading pretty much anything you like – but in order to get access, you need to purchase a plan from one of the usenet providers. Such a plan will often provide you with a certain amount of Gigabytes per month, connections, security etc. Right now, … Read more →

Get 2GB Free Online Backup Space With Mozy (Plus 500MB Extra)

I’m very happy to provide you with this tip on FREE online backup space for your Windows or Mac computer. There are several “cloud based” online backup providers out there these days, but I was looking for something for a client of mine, who needed to backup several Gigabytes of data to an external site, … Read more →

Reviews Gurus – Web Hosting Reviews [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. Picking a web host these days is very easy. Picking the right one, or the best one for the money, is not easy … Read more →

Chinese Hackers Obtained Google’s Password System

According to New York Times, the Chinese Hackers you might have read about, is said to have obtained access to one of the more important parts of Google – their password system which controls access for million of users, to all Google’s services, including Gmail and Google Apps. The system is called “Gaia” and has … Read more →