Will Google Plus Prove Itself A Social Networking Game Changer?

With each passing month the Social Networking world grows even further. As societies become increasingly techno-centric, people are more and more driven to share and exchange ideas, concepts, and personal feelings over a growing social network. Facebook, currently, holds the top spot among user-ship and popularity but other networks are hoping to cash in on … Read more →

MPAA to block Newzbin 2 access with Cleanfeed content blocking system?

Newzbin is an indexing site, kinda like Google, where you can download so-called “NZB” files that contains information about which files your newsreader client must download from the binary usenet groups, in order to magically make data appear understandable, be it a movie, tv show, a linux distribution – whatever it might be, legal or … Read more →

5 Reasons Why Google is About to Kick Ass with the Chromebook

It is not really surprising that Google has released the first real cloud experience with the launch of the Chromebook. There are mixed reviews, reports, comments, discussions and opinions flying around. Whatever anyone has to say, it probably won’t even matter. The Chromebook will work, and it will get its piece of the market once … Read more →

May 2011: Blog Summary & Income Report

The blog summary & income report for May has been “slightly” delayed mostly due to me forgetting about it – so sorry about that, but here it is… In the next blog summary & income report, for June, I have an announcement to make also. Since we’re currently in the middle of June, that report will … Read more →

Which one is the best adblocker for Google Chrome?

All advertisements on every website can easily be disabled in Google Chrome with the help of adblock-extensions that are available for free in the Chrome Webstore. But which one of them is the most efficient in blocking ads on our favorite websites like Facebook and Youtube? The Google Chrome browser is becoming increasingly popular and … Read more →

How Google protects your data in the cloud [video]

Not long ago, Amazon’s cloud computing had a breakdown over several days and Sony lost millions of customer details to hackers and had to shut down their Playstation Network for about a month while they patched things up, as you probably already know. While this video by Google is produced before the Amazon and Sony … Read more →

Kaspersky compares Android security with Windows

Increasing security threats and issues on the mobile operating system, Android, has Kaspersky comparing Android with Windows in their recent “IT Threat Evolution for Q1-2011“: Overall, the situation with the Android OS is becoming similar to the current situation with Windows: There is a plethora of Android devices with outdated software which includes various unpatched … Read more →

March 2011: Blog Summary & Income Report

Good day, everybody. It’s 11th of April 2011 and it’s time for another blog summary & income report, covering the month of March, last month.

Usually I post these reports a few days into the month  but this time I’ve been busy recently, busier than ever before, so it wasn’t until now I was able to compile the report and turn it into a blog post.

So, here you go…

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Buying Domain Names

Discussing buying a domain name or two can be a sore point for a few people. For some, buying domain names is like buying shoes, or bags, or gadgets, depending on what you’re most into – cause some people are also into buying domain names, for various reasons, so they can really go nuts buying domains!

Like, some people buy domain names for investing. If you can come up with a great name, register it and try to flip it later when somebody needs it for a business idea or a product.

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What Does Google Analytics Tell You About Your Site

Google Analytics is a wonderful tool for any webmaster, but what many of us may be ignoring might just be the most important part of Analytics. Tracking site search can hold valuable information about your site and the searchers that use your site. Many of us overlook this data in favour of the easier to … Read more →

January 2011: Blog Summary & Income Report

2011 is the number of the year which means bye bye to 2010 and also bye bye to December. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year as well. There’s no way around it, you’re probably here to read the December … Read more →